Data transformation in the US Air Force: highlights from AFORS
Highlights of data science presentations from the US Air Force Operations Research Symposium.
9. Mai 2022 · 4 Min. Lesezeit
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Der Blog
Data Science in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Patient Care and Operational Efficiency
Learn about how data is being used in healthcare and how upskilling your workforce can keep your business on the cutting edge.
Amberle McKee
13 Min.
Der Blog
What The US Army Can Teach You About Data Science
Life in the military teaches you some very useful skills, traits, and habits. It also teaches you how to get started with data science by doing it.
Jason Graham
14 Min.
How the Aviation Industry Leverages Data Science
Derek Cedillo is a Senior Manager with over 25 years working in data at GE Aerospace, in the episode he shares the key components to successfully managing data science program within a large and highly regulated organization.
Adel Nehme
35 Min.
The Past and Present of Data Science
Sergey Fogelson deep dives into how data science has evolved over the past decade, the largest challenges facing data teams today, and the importance of learning SQL and data democratization.
Adel Nehme
66 Min.
[Radar Recap] Scaling Data ROI: Driving Analytics Adoption Within Your Organization with Laura Gent Felker, Omar Khawaja and Tiffany Perkins-Munn
Laura, Omar and Tiffany explore best practices when it comes to scaling analytics adoption within the wider organization
Richie Cotton
40 Min.
Exploring Air Force Personnel Data with Python
Learn how to answer questions about data using pandas and plotly packages.
Richie Cotton