How I Saved Months Automating My Reporting with DataLab
During my Master’s, I took a class called ‘Analytical Methods’. In one particular class on data analysis and business modeling, we estimated product demand, predicted order quantity, and built network optimization models and simulations. From there, I was hooked.
Will Appling, Data Analyst
I tried to get a job as an analyst, but I saw that everybody wanted so many years of experience, a PhD. I thought, ‘I'm not going back to school again; I've already spent enough money.’ I was a little bit dejected by that. That's how I realized I'm going to need something more.
Will Appling, Data Analyst
I found Datacamp, and it's pretty much been all she wrote since. I've been using Datacamp for probably five years now.
Will Appling, Data Analyst
DataCamp was where I would come to just hang out. Some people do crossword puzzles, and some people do Sudoku to pass the time. I would come to DataCamp because it was like that for me.
Will Appling, Data Analyst
The ability to learn something at the moment, to be able to apply it at work and use it right away reinforces my learning and gives me more confidence.
Will Appling, Data Analyst
When I first tried DataLab, it was a revelation; it was exactly what I needed to move from learning to doing.
Will Appling, Data Analyst
DataLab was a sandbox for my ideas. It empowered me to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them in a very practical way.
Will Appling, Data Analyst
Skip the installation process and experiment with data science code in your browser with DataLab, DataCamp's AI-powered notebook.

We used to rely on a consultant to prepare our reports, which could take up to three months. With DataLab, I managed to automate this process using a pivot table I built. What previously took three months now takes less than five minutes.
Will Appling, Data Analyst
I've been able to really help out Starting Point in a big way. Our staff really appreciate everything I am able to do—like teaching myself Tableau. After I did a demonstration, the organization bought a Tableau license. Now, my team loves what I do, particularly with mapping and spatial visualizations, to see where are the people that we serve in Northeastern Ohio and how we can help them.
You can look at these various aspects of the data set and start to see all these different patterns. Now I can showcase trends to get more funding or help make better decisions that support our network.
Will Appling, Data Analyst
It just makes me more efficient and more productive. It frees me up. Most of the people in this role are just expected to crank out the reports. But now I'm able to crank out a report and then do something else that brings value. And the value that I bring is really appreciated by my colleagues
Will Appling, Data Analyst
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Data Analyst
How we switched to DataLab for our internal analytics
Justin Saddlemyer
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Introducing DataLab
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Schedule Data Notebooks to Automate Business Metric Reporting
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Automate Business Metric Reporting with Datalab
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Using DataLab in Data Academies
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Only Code If You Want To: Data Science with DataLab (Part 1)
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