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Using AI in Robotics

Key Takeaways:
  • Learn how AI is used in the field of robotics.
  • Learn about the challenges of using AI in robotics - and how to overcome them.
  • Learn about careers for AI in robotics, and the skills you need to get a job in this area.
Wednesday November 22, 11 AM ET
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To successfully make use of a technology, you need to understand the use cases for the industry. Context is everything, and AI and robotics go together like fish and chips. In this session, you'll learn about common uses of AI in the robotics field, best practices for making use of AI in robotics, and what skills you need to make use of AI for robotics.

Presenter Bio

Francesco Gadaleta Headshot
Francesco GadaletaFounder & Chief Engineer at Amethix Technologies

Francesco is a data scientist and software engineer who specializes in building production software for big data analytics in critical systems.

He previously worked as Chief Data Officer at an AI startup and as a data scientist for Johnson & Johnson. Francesco is the host of the Data Science at Home podcast.

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