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Working with Tables in Power Query M in Power BI

Learn how to work with tables in Power Query M in Power BI in this convenient cheat sheet!
Jul 4, 2023  · 6 min read

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// Define a record with [name = value]
//You can include different data types including lists
  Name = "William Playfair",
  BirthYear = 1759,
  IsDataScientist = true, 
  ChartsInvented = {"line", "bar", "area", "pie"}

// Create a record from lists of values and fields with FromList()
  {"William Playfair", 1759, true, {"line", "bar", "area", "pie"}},
  {"Name", "BirthYear", "IsDataScientist", "ChartsInvented"}
// Create a record from a table of records with FromTable()
    [Name = "Name", Value = "William Playfair"],
    [Name = "BirthYear", Value = 1759],
    [Name = "IsDataScientist", Value = true],
    [Name = "ChartsInvented", Value = {"line", "bar", "area", "pie"}]

// Records can be nested 
  Name = [First = "William", Last = Playfair"],
  BirthYear = 1759,
  IsDataScientist = true, 
  ChartsInvented = {"line", "bar", "area", "pie"}

Example records

// Define a record
  TaylorSwift = [
    FirstName = "Taylor", 
    LastName = "Swift", 
    BirthDate = #date(1989, 12, 13)


// Get the number of fields with FieldCount()
Record.FieldCount(TaylorSwift) // Returns 3

// Determine if a record has a field name with HasFields()
Record.HasFields(TaylorSwift, "LastName") // Returns true


// Access a field with square brackets
TaylorSwift[FirstName] // Returns "Taylor"

// Dynamically access a field with Field()
Record.Field(TaylorSwift, "FirstName")

// Provide a deafult if the field isn't found with FieldOrDefault()
Record.FieldOrDefault(TaylorSwift, "Address", "N/A") // Returns "N/A"

// Get a subset of fields with SelectFields()
Record.SelectFields(TaylorSwift, {"FirstName", "LastName"}) 
  // Returns [FirstName = "Taylor", LastName = "Swift"]

// Get all the field names with FieldNames()
Record.FieldNames(TaylorSwift) // Returns {"FirstName", "LastName", "BirthDate"}

// Get all the field values with FieldValues()
Record.FieldValues(TaylorSwift) // Returns {"Taylor", "Swift", #date(1989, 12, 13)}


// Add a new field with AddField()
Record.AddField(TaylorSwift, "MiddleName", "Alison")

// Combine fields from records with Combine()

// Remove fields with RemoveFields()

// Change the order of fields with ReorderFields()

// Change values in a field with TransformFields()
Record.TransformFields(TaylorSwift, {"BirthDate", Date.ToText})


// Add a metadata record to a value with meta
"To a collector of curios, the dust is metadata." meta [
  ContentType = "quote",
  Author = "David Weinberger",
  Source = "Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder"

// Remove all metadata with RemoveMetadata()

// Remove specific metadata with RemoveMetadata(, metaValue)
Value.RemoveMetadata(curios, "Author")



// Create a table with #table()
  {"Name", "BirthYear", "IsDataScientist", "ChartsInvented"},
    {"William Playfair", 1759, true, {"line", "bar", "area", "pie"}},
    {"Karl Pearson", 1857, true, {"histogram"}}

// Create a table from a list of records with FromRecords()
    Name = "William Playfair",
    BirthYear = 1759,
    IsDataScientist = true, 
    ChartsInvented = {"line", "bar", "area", "pie"}
    Name = "Karl Pearson",
    BirthYear = 1857,
    IsDataScientist = true, 
    ChartsInvented = {"histogram"}

// Enforce column data types with type table[]
    Name = "William Playfair",
    BirthYear = 1759,
    IsDataScientist = true, 
    ChartsInvented = {"line", "bar", "area", "pie"}
    Name = "Karl Pearson",
    BirthYear = 1857,
    IsDataScientist = true, 
    ChartsInvented = {"histogram"}
  type table[Name = text, BirthYear = number, IsDataScientist = logical, ChartsInvented = list]

// Create a table from a list of lists with FromColumns()
	{"William Playfair", "Karl Pearson"},
	{1759, 1857},
	{true, true},
	{{"line", "bar", "area", "pie"}, {"histogram"}}
  {"Name", "BirthYear", "IsDataScientist ", "ChartsInvented"}

// Create a table from a list of lists with FromRows()
	{"William Playfair", 1759, true, {"line", "bar", "area", "pie"}},
	{"Karl Pearson", 1857, true, {"histogram"}}
  {"Name", "BirthYear", "IsDataScientist ", "ChartsInvented"}

Example tables

// Define tables
  Musicians = #table(
    {"ID", "FirstName", "LastName", "BirthDate"},
      {1, "Taylor", "Swift", #date(1989, 12, 13)},
      {2, "Ed", "Sheeran", #date(1991, 2, 17)}

  Albums = #table(
    {"ID", "ArtistID", "Title"},
      {1, 1, "1989"},
      {2, 2, "-"},
      {3, 2, "5"}


// Get the number of rows with RowCount()
Table.RowCount(Musicians) // Returns 2

// Get the number of columns with ColumnCount()
Table.ColumnCount(Musicians) // Returns 4

// Get the column names with ColumnNames()
Table.ColumnNames(Musicians) // Returns {"ID", "FirstName", "LastName", "BirthDate"}

// Get details of the columns with Schema()
Table.Schema(Musicians) // Returns a table of column details

// Get a summary of number columns with Profile()
Table.Profile(Musicians) // Returns a table of min, max, mean, etc. by column


// Get a record by position with {}
Musicians{0} // Returns Taylor Swift record

// Get a column with []

// Get a column dynamically with Column()
Table.Column(Musicians, "FirstName")

// Get the first few rows with FirstN()
Table.FirstN(Musicians, 1) // Returns first record

// Get the last few element with LastN()
Table.LastN(Musicians, 1) // Returns last record

// Select unique records with Distinct()
Table.Distinct(Table.Combine(Musicians, Musicians)) // Returns Musicians

// Get elements that match a criteria with SelectRows()
Table.SelectRows(Musicians, each Text.Contains([FirstName], "Tay")) // Returns the Taylor Swift record

// Return true if all elements match a criteria with MatchesAllRows()
Table.MatchesAllRows(Musicians, each [IsDataScientist]) // Returns true

// Return true if any elements match a criteria with MatchesAnyRows()
Table.MatchesAnyRows(Musicians, each Text.Contains([FirstName], "Drake")) // Returns false

Row manipulation

// Insert records into a table with InsertRows()
  {[FirstName = "Bad", LastName = "Bunny", BirthDate = #date(1994, 3, 10)]}
) // Returns a table with new record after previous 1st record

// Vertically concatenate tables with Combine()
    [FirstName = "Bad", LastName = "Bunny", BirthDate = #date(1994, 3, 10)]
) // Returns a table with 3 records

// Remove records with RemoveRows()
Table.RemoveRows(Musicians, 0) // Returns table without 0th record

// Change the order of records with Sort()
Table.Sort(Musicians, {"FirstName"}) // Returns by alphabetical order of FirstName

// Change values in a field with TransformRows()
Table.TransformRows(Musicians, {"BirthDate", Date.ToText})

// Calculate grouped aggregations with Group()
Table.Group(Musicians, "FirstName", each List.Min([BirthDate])

Column manipulation

// Add a column to a table with AddColumn()
Table.AddColumn(Musicians, "FullName", each [FirstName] & [LastName]) // Returns table with extra column

// Select columns of a table with SelectColumns()
Table.SelectColumns(Musicians, {"FirstName", "LastName"}) // Returns 2 columns

// Drop columns of a table with RemoveColumns()
Table.RemoveColumns(Musicians, {"BirthDate"}) // Returns remaining 3 columns

// Change the order of columns with ReorderColumns()
Table.ReorderColumns(Musicians, {"LastName", "FirstName", "BirthDate", "ID"}) // Returns table with new column order

// Change values in a field with TransformColumns()
  {{"FirstName", Text.Upper}, {"LastName", Text.Lower}}

Table Relations

// Set as column as the primary key with AddKey(, , true)
Table.AddKey(Musicians, "ID", true)

// Set as column as the secondary key with AddKey(, , false)
Table.AddKey(Albums, "ArtistID", false)

// Join two tables with Join()
Table.Join(Musicians, "ID", Albums, "ArtistID", JoinKind.LeftOuter)


// Convert from wide to long with Unpivot()
Table.Unpivot(Musicians, {"FirstName", "LastName"}, "NameType", "NameValue") // Returns table with FirstName and LastName on their own rows

// Convert from long to wide with Pivot()
Table.Unpivot(MusiciansLong, {"FirstName", "LastName"}, "NameType", "NameValue") // Reverses the unpivot step


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