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Superbowl Analysis in Python

Learn to do exploratory data analysis in Python on historic Super Bowl data.
Feb 9, 2023
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The Super Bowl is one of the biggest events in the American sporting calendar. Luckily, US football games generate lots of interesting data that is ideal for analysis. In this live training you'll perform exploratory data analysis in Python on historic Super Bowl data.

Learning by doing is encouraged, and you can follow along using DataLab. All you need is a DataCamp account. Note that members of some enterprise groups do not yet have access to use DataLab. Create a free DataCamp account with your personal email address to follow along.

We recommend that you have taken the following course before attending:

Additional resources

Key takeaways

  • Learn how data is used to analyze football games.

  • Learn exploratory data analysis techniques including data manipulation and data visualization.

  • Learn to assess team and player performance with data.



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