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Python Abstract Classes: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Learn about Python abstract classes, their purpose, and how to use the `abc` module to enforce consistent interfaces. Includes practical examples and best practices for effective implementation.
Jan 22, 2025  · 10 min read

A key component of modern software development is object-oriented programming (OOP), which gives programmers the ability to organize code in a scalable, modular, and reusable manner. Abstract classes are one of the numerous OOP concepts that are essential for creating a template that other classes can use. This post will explain abstract classes, their benefits, and how to use Python's abc module to build them successfully.

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What is an Abstract Class?

An abstract class is like a template for other classes. It defines methods that must be included in any class that inherits from it, but it doesn’t provide the actual code for those methods.

Think of it as a recipe without specific ingredients—it tells you what steps to follow, but the details depend on the subclass.


Let’s say you’re building a program to calculate the area of different shapes.

  1. You create an abstract class called Shape that says every shape must have an area() method.
  2. But Shape doesn’t define how area() works—because the formula depends on the type of shape.
  3. Each specific shape (like a Circle or Rectangle) inherits from Shape and provides its own version of area().

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Why use abstract classes in Python?

Abstract classes are useful when you wish to:

  • Enforce method implementation: An abstract class's methods function as a contract, requiring each subclass to supply its own implementation. This lowers the possibility of inconsistent or lacking implementations by ensuring that specific functionality is present across all derived classes.
  • Encourage code reuse: abstract classes can have both concrete and abstract methods. The concrete methods greatly reduce code duplication and encourage the DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself) principles by providing shared functionality that can be inherited by all subclasses.
  • Improve readability and maintainability: Abstract classes help developers better comprehend the structure and functionality of the software by providing a consistent and transparent framework. This structure makes the code easier to maintain by enforcing design principles like single responsibility and separation of responsibilities.
  • Encourage polymorphism: Abstract classes make it possible to write general code that works well with a variety of subclasses. Developers can create functions or methods that can handle any subclass of the abstract class thanks to this flexibility, which increases the code's extensibility and adaptability to changes in the future.

You can make sure that any subclass, such as Dog or Cat, implements its implementation of the speak method, for instance, if you have an abstract class Animal with an abstract method speak. Your code becomes reliable and predictable as a result of this uniformity.

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The abc Module in Python

The abc module in Python offers strong built-in support for abstract classes. The module, which stands for "Abstract Base Classes," gives programmers the necessary tools to create abstract classes, including the abstractmethod decorator and the ABC class. 

By defining abstract methods and requiring their implementation in subclasses, these tools help you maintain uniformity and conformity to a predetermined interface. By requiring the implementation of essential methods in all derived classes and permitting the partial implementation of common functionality in abstract base classes, the module also encourages improved design patterns. 

Because of this, the ABC module is a crucial component for organizing scalable, robust, and stable Python applications.

Creating a Python Abstract Class

Two essential components are introduced in the ABC module:

Abstract Base Class, or ABC

The ABC class is a built-in Python feature that serves as a fundamental basis for developing abstract classes. You must inherit from ABC to define an abstract class. The class is abstract and cannot be instantiated directly, as indicated by this inheritance. By acting as blueprints, abstract classes make sure that any concrete subclass abides by a set of rules.

You can define abstract methods inside an abstract class by using the abstractmethod decorator. Any concrete subclass must implement and override abstract methods, which are placeholders. This makes the code consistent and predictable by guaranteeing that all derived classes offer functionality for the designated methods. A useful tool for requiring method implementation while giving subclasses flexibility in how they meet these requirements is the abstractmethod decorator.

Here’s a basic example:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Shape(ABC):
    def area(self):

    def perimeter(self):

class Circle(Shape):
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self.radius = radius

    def area(self):
        return 3.14159 * self.radius ** 2

    def perimeter(self):
        return 2 * 3.14159 * self.radius

# Uncommenting the following line will raise an error because we’re missing method implementations
# shape = Shape() # TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Shape with abstract methods #area, perimeter

circle = Circle(5)
print(f"Area: {circle.area()}")
print(f"Perimeter: {circle.perimeter()}")
Area: 78.53975
Perimeter: 31.4159

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How the abc module enforces method implementation

Any subclass of an abstract class is guaranteed to implement the decorated methods thanks to the abstractmethod decorator. As a precaution, it stops subclasses from being created that do not have the necessary capabilities. 

Python reports a TypeError when a subclass is attempted to be instantiated if it does not override all abstract methods. This stringent enforcement lowers the likelihood of defects and improves code stability by assisting developers in identifying implementation flaws early. 

It also guarantees that all concrete subclasses follow the abstract class's intended behavior and design.

For instance:

class Rectangle(Shape):
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

    # Missing area and perimeter implementation

# This will raise an error
rectangle = Rectangle(5, 10)
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Rectangle with abstract methods area, perimeter

Abstract Class Methods in Python

In Python, defining an abstract class entails using the abstractmethod decorator and subclassing from ABC. By doing this, programmers can lay the groundwork for other classes by defining the methods that need to be used. 

Here is a thorough, step-by-step procedure:

  • Bring in the necessary modules: Importing ABC and abstractmethod from theABC module should come first. To define abstract classes and methods, these tools are necessary.
  • Construct a class based on ABC: Create a new class and set ABC as its inheritor. The class is abstract and cannot be instantiated directly, as indicated by this inheritance.
  • Define abstract methods using @abstractmethod: To specify which methods subclasses must override, use the @abstractmethod decorator. In essence, these methods serve as placeholders, guaranteeing that all derived classes carry out the necessary operations.

Step-by-step example of defining an abstract class

Here’s a practical example to demonstrate:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Vehicle(ABC):
    def start_engine(self):

    def stop_engine(self):

class Car(Vehicle):
    def start_engine(self):
        print("Car engine started")

    def stop_engine(self):
        print("Car engine stopped")

# Instantiating the abstract class directly will raise an error
# vehicle = Vehicle()

car = Car()

Car engine started
Car engine stopped

This guarantees that the start_engine and stop_engine functions are implemented by any subclass of Vehicle.

Practical example: abstract class implementation

Take a look at a more thorough illustration using a Vehicle class:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Vehicle(ABC):
    def __init__(self, brand):
        self.brand = brand

    def start_engine(self):

    def stop_engine(self):

class Motorcycle(Vehicle):
    def start_engine(self):
        print(f"{self.brand} motorcycle engine started")

    def stop_engine(self):
        print(f"{self.brand} motorcycle engine stopped")

motorcycle = Motorcycle("Yamaha")
Yamaha motorcycle engine started
Yamaha motorcycle engine stopped

This illustrates how abstract classes allow implementation flexibility while enforcing a consistent interface.

Python Abstract Base Class Example

Now that we've seen how abstract base classes define a contract for subclasses, let's explore how concrete classes fulfill these requirements by implementing all the abstract methods.

Concrete class inheriting from an abstract class

A subclass that implements every abstract method of an abstract class is called a concrete class. This indicates that the concrete class provides specific implementations for all necessary methods, thereby fulfilling the contract established by the abstract class. 

For instance:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Appliance(ABC):
    def turn_on(self):

    def turn_off(self):

class WashingMachine(Appliance):
    def turn_on(self):
        print("Washing machine is now ON")

    def turn_off(self):
        print("Washing machine is now OFF")

machine = WashingMachine()

Washing machine is now ON
Washing machine is now OFF

Creating instances and enforcing rules

Python prevents you from immediately instantiating an abstract class. Because it ensures that any subclass generated from the abstract class will adhere to the necessary contract provided by its abstract methods, this is an essential aspect of abstract classes. 

For instance, a TypeError will be raised if you try to instantiate appliance = Appliance()

This limitation guarantees that abstract classes function only as blueprints and are free of abuse. Python allows the creation of instances of WashingMachine while maintaining the contract specified in Appliance by implementing all of the abstract methods in WashingMachine. By guaranteeing that every feature specified in the abstract class is completely implemented in its concrete subclasses, this enforcement improves the codebase's integrity.

Abstract Properties and Initialization

With this foundation, let's dive deeper into how Python supports abstract properties using the @property’ and @abstractmethod’ decorators, enabling developers to enforce attribute consistency alongside methods.

Using abstract properties in Python

Abstract classes can specify properties that subclasses must implement in addition to methods. This feature enables developers to impose a uniform interface for properties that subclasses must declare in addition to methods. 

To guarantee that every subclass provides its implementation, abstract properties can be specified using the @property decorator in combination with @abstractmethod. When creating classes that need read-only or computed attributes that are essential to the class's operation, this method is especially helpful.

Example: abstract class with properties

Here’s an example:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Animal(ABC):
    def sound(self):

class Bird(Animal):
    def sound(self):
        return "Chirp"

bird = Bird()


The Animal abstract class's condition is met by the Bird class's sound feature.

When to Use Python Abstract Classes

Abstract classes are ideal for scenarios such as:

  • When designing frameworks or libraries where particular behavior needs to be enforced: In complicated systems, abstract classes can establish a unified set of guidelines or interfaces that all subclasses must adhere to, guaranteeing consistency and lowering mistakes.
  • Implementing consistent APIs across classes: Developers can guarantee that all derived classes offer a standardized and predictable means of communicating with the application or library by defining abstract methods.
  • Supplying a foundational framework for a class hierarchy: A hierarchy of related classes can be created using abstract classes as a guide. By permitting customization in subclasses and allowing developers to declare shared behaviors and characteristics in the abstract class, this structure encourages reusability and minimizes duplication.

Best practices

When a precise contract for subclasses needs to be established, use abstract classes. Abstract classes are useful when you need to apply a specific structure or behavior to several derived classes. They help in making sure that every subclass adheres to a standard design, which improves code predictability and makes maintenance easier.

If every method can have a default implementation, do not use abstract classes. In certain situations, a concrete base class might be a better option to cut down on complexity while preserving the ability to reuse shared functionality.

Make sure abstract classes are clear and simple, defining only the most important attributes and methods. It might be challenging to construct and maintain an abstract class if it has too many criteria. Instead, concentrate on the essential aspects that the derived classes must have.


Python's OOP toolkit includes abstract classes, which are a powerful tool that allows programmers to create reliable and maintainable programs. You may promote clarity, reusability, and extensibility in your applications by defining abstract classes and enforcing a uniform interface across subclasses with the help of the ABC module. Writing better, more dependable code can be achieved by implementing abstract classes, regardless of the size of the system you are working on.

Whether you're designing robust object-oriented programs, enforcing consistent interfaces, or creating scalable applications, mastering Python abstract classes enhances your ability to write efficient and maintainable code. Boost your Python knowledge today with our comprehensive Python Fundamentals skill track.

Python Abstract Class FAQs

How do you define an abstract method in Python?

An abstract method is defined using the @abstractmethod decorator from the abc module. It serves as a placeholder and must be overridden by any subclass.

Can you instantiate an abstract class in Python?

No, you cannot instantiate an abstract class directly. Python will raise a TypeError  if you try to create an object of an abstract class.

What is the purpose of the `abc` module in Python?

The abc module provides the ABC class and abstractmethod decorator to define and enforce abstract classes and methods in Python.

Can an abstract class have regular (concrete) methods?

Yes, an abstract class can have concrete methods with implementation. These methods can be inherited and used by subclasses.

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