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Q4 2022 DataCamp Donates Digest

We're proud to have lived our mission of providing free data education to those who need it most. 52 organizations joined with #DCDonates in Q4 2022, equalling 4,000+ new scholarships. Read the full article to learn how DataCamp changed lives in Q4 2022.
Mar 10, 2023  · 5 min read

Q4 2022 represented another leap forward for the DataCamp Donates program, whose mission is to provide free data science education to those who need it most.  By the end of last year, we had donated nearly 60,000 DataCamp Donates scholarships to our NGO partners who in turn awarded them to people who are: 

  • Unemployed or underemployed
  • Refugees and victims of war and/or environmental disaster
  • Have lost work or a loved one due to COVD-19
  • People with disabilities and/or members of historically disadvantaged communities
  • Students aged 16-26
  • Nonprofit research scientists working with health, environmental, and/or humanitarian aid data

All of these folks received 6-12 months of unlimited access DataCamp’s full curriculum, the mobile app, Certification, Workspace, and more. Let’s dig into the numbers to see exactly how DataCamp donated in unprecedented ways in October - December 2022.

Quantitatively Speaking


We brought 52 NGOs into the DataCamp Donates Partners family, a record for the most organizations onboarded in a single quarter. Another record: 10 of those organizations were preexisting partners that renewed and expanded DataCamp Donates programs. We love it when partners renew for an additional year of free access, thereby doubling down on their commitment to helping us democratize data science education. Click here for a full list of DataCamp Donates Partner Organizations.


Those 52 partnerships equated to over 4,000 scholarships awarded to new DataCamp Donates learners.


We had learners join from over eighty countries, many from countries experiencing humanitarian and economic crises, such as Palestine, Turkiye, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria, to name a few. Almost half of our learners were in Africa, while another 31% came from Asia. Europeans accounted for 11%, North Americans made up about 8%, while Latin America and Oceania contributed just shy of 2%. Getting more licenses into the hands of impoverished and disadvantaged learners in the Western Hemisphere is a major goal for DataCamp Donates in 2023.

Our Partners’ Stories

DataCamp Donates partners published some fantastic blog posts about how data science education is transforming the lives of their community members.

A superstar learner from Nigeria shows how she took full advantage of her DataCamp Donates scholarship through our partner Ingressive For Good. She went from a beginner discovering data to topping the group leaderboard on DataCamp, to creating her own sentiment analysis project, to landing her first data analyst role, all in six months. As Tina breaks down the specific content she took on DataCamp to achieve success, you’ll see firsthand how her story has become a lightning rod of inspiration for tens of thousands of young Africans.

Teach for the Philippines is a nonprofit that works to ensure all Filipino children benefit from an excellent, inclusive, and relevant education. Naturally, that work starts with supporting teachers with the right resources. This article is a great example of the behind-the-scenes research nonprofits need to engage in to provide better services to their communities. You’ll see how the data gleaned from their Rapid Assessment Survey revealed that their teachers required a better understanding of data literacy, especially when it comes to implementing spreadsheets. Becoming a DataCamp Donates Partner enabled TFFP to launch the Data Representative Advancement Workshop (DRAW) to get teachers thinking about how they can incorporate data into their lessons and their reporting students’ progress to their administrations . And it’s led to the fellows improving their careers and finding better teaching jobs, as Mike C. said: “I find growth in data analysis and reporting that can surely help me in my future work after the [teaching] Fellowship.”

This write-up comes from our nonprofit partner enFocus, which hires college students in the Northern Indiana region as Fellows and pays them to learn how to work with data on local projects focused on civic and industrial innovation, research,  and entrepreneurship. Read the short blog to discover how one of their recent Fellows capitalized on the experience to land a full-time data analyst role at another local nonprofit.

This brief blog post commemorates and celebrates the graduation of the DataCamp Donates learners who were part of the Fall 2022 cohort at Powercoders, a nonprofit in Switzerland dedicated to training refugees and migrants for careers in tech. You’ll learn how these future-facing programs provide tangible opportunities for people who have escaped horrendous conditions in places like Ukraine.

Work or volunteer for an NGO? Apply to DataCamp Donates!

Congratulations! You made it to the end of the article. Thanks so much for taking an interest in DataCamp's social impact work. Feeling inspired? If you work or volunteer for a nonprofit organization, you owe it to yourself and your community to apply to DataCamp Donates to join our Q2 2023 cohort

We work primarily with small and medium-sized nonprofits, local grassroots organizations, and even student societies. Just make sure your organization has a working website at the time of application (or a live webpage on a school’s official website, in the case of student-run organizations). DataCamp is perfect for lower-income communities because no purchase or installation of any additional software is required! Not only that, we allow our curriculum materials to be downloaded for offline access if the Internet is scarce in your part of the world.

DataCamp Donates accounts come with a group dashboard just like our Teams and Enterprise plans, allowing nonprofit admins to invite learners on their own, give assignments, and review their learners' progress. Almost every piece of content and our newest features are included in a DataCamp Donates package so your organization can gain a proper leg up, like:

  • Over 400 courses across all topics, technologies, and skill levels, plus Assessments, Practice, and Projects.
  • DataCamp for Mobile, for learning and practicing on the go.
  • DataCamp Workspace, a collaborative cloud-based notebook that allows you to analyze data, collaborate with your team, and share insights. It's perfect for building custom lessons and job portfolios.
  • DataCamp Certifications, the industry gold standard for Data Scientists and Analysts.
  • Access to exclusive Webinars and Competitions for real cash prizes.
  • A trusted partner in DataCamp that can help you promote your organization’s initiatives.

DataCamp Donates applications for Q2 2023 are open through May 5, 2023. The form typically takes 15-45 minutes to complete, which is a relative blink of an eye compared to the full year of Premium DataCamp access for your organization’s community that comes with the DataCamp Donates Partnership (or the average grant proposal). Questions about the program or the application form can be directed to We hope to hear from your community soon!




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