Data Science Cheat Sheets
Download quick points of reference from our cheat sheets blog. There's everything from advanced NLP in Python & the Bokeh library to data.table in R & more.
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Quarto Cheat Sheet (Previously Known as RMarkdown)
Quarto is an open-source publishing system that combines text, code, and output in one doc. It supports Python, R, Julia, and Observable JS.
Richie Cotton
February 16, 2023
Introduction to Probability Rules Cheat Sheet
Learn the basics of probability with our Introduction to Probability Rules Cheat Sheet. Quickly reference key concepts and formulas for finding probability, conditional probability, and more.
Richie Cotton
January 27, 2023
Data Governance Fundamentals Cheat Sheet
Master the fundamentals of data governance with our Data Governance Fundamentals Cheat Sheet. Quickly reference key concepts, best practices, and key components of a data governance program.
Richie Cotton
January 27, 2023
Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet
Learn the basics of Excel with our quick and easy cheat sheet. Have the basics of formulas, operators, math functions and more at your fingertips.
Richie Cotton
January 20, 2023
Text Data In R Cheat Sheet
Welcome to our cheat sheet for working with text data in R! This resource is designed for R users who need a quick reference guide for common tasks related to cleaning, processing, and analyzing text data.
Richie Cotton
December 14, 2022
Dates and Times in R Cheat Sheet
Welcome to our cheat sheet for working with dates and times in R! This resource provides a list of common functions and packages for manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing data with dates and times.
Richie Cotton
December 14, 2022
Text Data In Python Cheat Sheet
Welcome to our cheat sheet for working with text data in Python! We've compiled a list of the most useful functions and packages for cleaning, processing, and analyzing text data in Python, along with clear examples and explanations, so you'll have everything you need to start developing!
Richie Cotton
December 14, 2022
Supervised Machine Learning Cheat Sheet
In this cheat sheet, you'll have a guide around the top supervised machine learning algorithms, their advantages and disadvantages, and use-cases.
Richie Cotton
December 1, 2022
Unsupervised Machine Learning Cheat Sheet
In this cheat sheet, you'll have a guide around the top unsupervised machine learning algorithms, their advantages and disadvantages and use cases.
Richie Cotton
December 1, 2022
Python Cheat Sheet for Beginners
Python is the most popular programming language in data science. Use this cheat sheet to jumpstart your Python learning journey.
Richie Cotton
November 20, 2022
Plotly Express Cheat Sheet
Plotly is one of the most widely used data visualization packages in Python. Learn more about it in this cheat sheet.
Richie Cotton
November 16, 2022
Julia Basics Cheat Sheet
Learn all the fundamentals of Julia in this comprehensive cheat sheet.
Richie Cotton
November 2, 2022