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Streamlit Python: Tutorial

This Python Streamlit tutorial is designed for data scientists and machine learning engineers who want to quickly build web apps without extensive web development knowledge.
Updated Sep 29, 2024  · 15 min read

What Is Streamlit?

Streamlit is a free and open-source framework to rapidly build and share beautiful machine learning and data science web apps.

It is a Python-based library specifically designed for machine learning engineers. Data scientists or machine learning engineers are not web developers and they're not interested in spending weeks learning to use these frameworks to build web apps. Instead, they want a tool that is easier to learn and to use, as long as it can display data and collect needed parameters for modeling.

Streamlit allows you to create a stunning-looking application with only a few lines of code.


Why should data scientists use Streamlit?

The best thing about Streamlit is that you don't even need to know the basics of web development to get started or to create your first web application. So if you're somebody who's into data science and you want to deploy your models easily, quickly, and with only a few lines of code, Streamlit is a good fit.

One of the important aspects of making an application successful is to deliver it with an effective and intuitive user interface. Many of the modern data-heavy apps face the challenge of building an effective user interface quickly, without taking complicated steps. Streamlit is a promising open-source Python library, which enables developers to build attractive user interfaces in no time.

Streamlit is the easiest way especially for people with no front-end knowledge to put their code into a web application:

  • No front-end (html, js, css) experience or knowledge is required.
  • You don't need to spend days or months to create a web app, you can create a really beautiful machine learning or data science app in only a few hours or even minutes.
  • It is compatible with the majority of Python libraries (e.g. pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, Keras, PyTorch, SymPy(latex)).
  • Less code is needed to create amazing web apps.
  • Data caching simplifies and speeds up computation pipelines.

How to use Streamlit

Install Streamlit

On Windows:

1. Install Anaconda and create your environment

2. Open the terminal

Install Streamlit 1

3. Type this command in the terminal to install Streamlit:

pip install streamlit

4. Test if the installation worked:

streamlit hello
Install Streamlit 2

When you type this command in the terminal, the page below should open automatically:

Install Streamlit 3

On macOS:

1. Install pip:

sudo easy_install pip

2. Install pipenv:

pip3 install pipenv

3. Create your environment. Open your project folder:

cd project_folder_name

4. Create a pipenv environment:

pipenv shell

5. Type this command to install Streamlit:

pip install streamlit

Test if the installation worked:

streamlit hello

On Linux:

1. Install pip:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

2. Install pipenv:

pip3 install pipenv

3. Create your environment. Open your project folder:

cd project_folder_name

4. Create a pipenv environment:

pipenv shell

5. Type this command to install Streamlit

pip install streamlit

6. Test if the installation worked:

streamlit hello

How to run your Streamlit code

streamlit run
How to run your Streamlit code

Streamlit commands are easy to write and understand. With just a simple command, you are able to display texts, media, widgets, graphs, etc.

Display texts with Streamlit

In the beginning, we will see how to add text to your Streamlit app, and what the different commands are to add texts.

st.write(): This function is used to add anything to a web app, from formatted string to charts in matplotlib figure, Altair charts, plotly figure, data frame, Keras model, and others.

import streamlit as stst.write("Hello ,let's learn how to build a streamlit app together")
Display texts with Streamlit

st.title(): This function allows you to add the title of the app. st.header(): This function is used to set header of a section. st.markdown(): This function is used to set a markdown of a section. st.subheader(): This function is used to set sub-header of a section. st.caption(): This function is used to write caption. st.code(): This function is used to set a code. st.latex(): This function is used to display mathematical expressions formatted as LaTeX.

import streamlit as stst.title("This is the app title")st.header("This is the header")st.markdown("This is the markdown")st.subheader("This is the subheader")st.caption("This is the caption")st.code("x = 2021")st.latex(r''' a+a r^1+a r^2+a r^3 ''')
Display texts with Streamlit 2

Display an image, video or audio file with Streamlit

You can't find functions as easy as Streamlit functions to display images, videos, and audio files. Let's take a look at how to display media with Streamlit !

st.image(): This function is used to display an image. This function is used to display an audio. This function is used to display a video.

st.image("kid.jpg", caption="A kid playing")"audio.mp3")"video.mp4")
Display an image, video or audio file with Streamlit

Input widgets

Widgets are the most important user interface components. Streamlit has various widgets that allow you to bake interactivity directly into your apps with buttons, sliders, text inputs, and more.

st.checkbox(): This function returns a Boolean value. When the box is checked, it returns a True value, otherwise a False value. st.button(): This function is used to display a button widget. This function is used to display a radio button widget. st.selectbox(): This function is used to display a select widget. st.multiselect(): This function is used to display a multiselect widget. st.select_slider(): This function is used to display a select slider widget. st.slider(): This function is used to display a slider widget.

st.checkbox('Yes')st.button('Click Me')'Pick your gender', ['Male', 'Female'])st.selectbox('Pick a fruit', ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange'])st.multiselect('Choose a planet', ['Jupiter', 'Mars', 'Neptune'])st.select_slider('Pick a mark', ['Bad', 'Good', 'Excellent'])st.slider('Pick a number', 0, 50)

st.number_input(): This function is used to display a numeric input widget. st.text_input(): This function is used to display a text input widget. st.date_input(): This function is used to display a date input widget to choose a date. st.time_input(): This function is used to display a time input widget to choose a time. st.text_area(): This function is used to display a text input widget with more than a line text. st.file_uploader(): This function is used to display a file uploader widget. st.color_picker(): This function is used to display color picker widget to choose a color.

st.number_input('Pick a number', 0, 10)st.text_input('Email address')st.date_input('Traveling date')st.time_input('School time')st.text_area('Description')st.file_uploader('Upload a photo')st.color_picker('Choose your favorite color')

Display progress and status with Streamlit

Now we will see how we can add a progress bar and status messages such as error and success to our app.

st.balloons(): This function is used to display balloons for celebration. st.progress(): This function is used to display a progress bar. st.spinner(): This function is used to display a temporary waiting message during execution.

st.balloons()  # Celebration balloonsst.progress(10)  # Progress barwith st.spinner('Wait for it...'):    time.sleep(10)  # Simulating a process delay
Display progress and status with Streamlit 1

st.success(): This function is used to display a success message. st.error(): This function is used to display an error message. st.warnig(): This function is used to display a warning message. This function is used to display an informational message. st.exception(): This function is used to display an exception message.

st.success("You did it!")st.error("Error occurred")st.warning("This is a warning")"It's easy to build a Streamlit app")st.exception(RuntimeError("RuntimeError exception"))
Display progress and status with Streamlit 2

You can also create a sidebar or a container on your page to organize your app. The hierarchy and arrangement of pages on your app can have a large impact on your user experience. By organizing your content, you allow visitors to understand and navigate your site, which helps them find what they're looking for and increases the likelihood that they'll return in the future.

Passing an element to st.sidebar() will make this element pinned to the left, allowing users to focus on the content in your app.

But st.spinner() and st.echo() are not supported with st.sidebar.

As you see, you can create a sidebar in your app interface and put elements inside it that will make your app more organized and easier to understand.

st.sidebar.title("Sidebar Title")st.sidebar.markdown("This is the sidebar content")


st.container() is used to create an invisible container where you can put elements in order to create a useful arrangement and hierarchy.

with st.container():    st.write("This is inside the container")

Display graphs with Streamlit

Why do we need visualization?

Data visualization helps to tell stories by curating data into a format that's easier to understand, highlighting the trends and outliers. A good visualization tells a story, removing the noise from data and highlighting the useful information. However, it's not simply as easy as dressing up a graph to make it look better or slapping on the "info" part of an infographic. Effective data visualization is a delicate balancing act between form and function. The plainest graph could be too boring to draw attention or convey a powerful message, and the most stunning visualization could utterly fail at conveying the right message. The data and the visuals need to work together, and there's an art to combining great analysis with great storytelling.

Do you think giving you the data of one million points in a table/database file and asking you to provide your inferences by just seeing the data on that table is feasible? Unless you're a super human, it's not possible. This is when we make use of data visualization—it gives us a clear idea of what the information means by giving it visual context through maps or graphs. That's the power of Streamlit visualization.

st.pyplot(): This function is used to display a matplotlib.pyplot figure.

import streamlit as stimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as nprand = np.random.normal(1, 2, size=20)fig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.hist(rand, bins=15)st.pyplot(fig)
This function is used to display a line chart.

st.line_chart(): This function is used to display a line chart.

import streamlit as stimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2), columns=['x', 'y'])st.line_chart(df)
This function is used to display a bar chart.

st.bar_chart(): This function is used to display a bar chart.

import streamlit as stimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2), columns=['x', 'y'])st.bar_chart(df)
This function is used to display an area chart.

st.area_chart(): This function is used to display an area chart.

import streamlit as stimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2), columns=['x', 'y'])st.area_chart(df)
This function is used to display an altair chart.

st.altair_chart(): This function is used to display an altair chart.

import streamlit as stimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport altair as altdf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(500, 3), columns=['x', 'y', 'z'])chart = alt.Chart(df).mark_circle().encode(    x='x', y='y', size='z', color='z', tooltip=['x', 'y', 'z'])st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True)
This function is used to display graph objects, which can be completed using different nodes and edges.

st.graphviz_chart(): This function is used to display graph objects, which can be completed using different nodes and edges.

import streamlit as stimport graphvizst.graphviz_chart('''    digraph {        Big_shark -> Tuna        Tuna -> Mackerel        Mackerel -> Small_fishes        Small_fishes -> Shrimp    }''')
This function is used to display maps in the app. However, it requires the values of latitude and longitude and these values should not be null/NA.

Display maps with Streamlit This function is used to display maps in the app. However, it requires the values of latitude and longitude and these values should not be null/NA.

import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport streamlit as stdf = pd.DataFrame(    np.random.randn(500, 2) / [50, 50] + [37.76, -122.4], columns=['lat', 'lon'])
Display maps with Streamlit 1


You can also choose a theme that reflects your style. Follow the steps in the GIF below:

Display maps with Streamlit 2

And if you are interested in learning more about styling and themes, you can take a look at Theming.

Now, it's time to build an app together!

Build a machine learning application

In this section, I will walk you through a project I made about loan prediction.

The main profit of loans comes directly from the loan's interest. The loan companies grant a loan after an intensive process of verification and validation. However, they still don't have assurance if the applicant is able to repay the loan with no difficulties. In this tutorial, we will build a predictive model (Random Forest Classifier) to predict the loan status of an applicant. Our mission is to prepare a web app to make it available in production.

Starting with importing the necessary libraries for our app:

import streamlit as stimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport pickle  # to load a saved modelimport base64  # to handle gif encoding

In this app, we will use multiple widgets as sliders: selectbox and radio in the sidebar menu, for which we will prepare some Python functions.The example will be a simple demo that has two pages. On the homepage, it will show the data that we selected, whereas the Exploration page will allow you to visualize variables in plots, and the Prediction page will contain variables with a button named Predict that will allow you to estimate the loan status. The code below gives you a selectbox on the sidebar which allows you to select a page. The data is cached so that it does not need to reload constantly.

@st.cache is a caching mechanism that allows your app to stay performant even when loading data from the web, manipulating large datasets, or performing expensive computations.

@st.cachedef get_fvalue(val):    feature_dict = {"No": 1, "Yes": 2}    return feature_dict[val]def get_value(val, my_dict):    return my_dict[val]
Build a machine learning application

In the Home page, we will visualize: presentation picture / the dataset / histogram of applicant income and loan amount.

Note: We will use if/elif/else to switch between pages.

We will load the loan_dataset.csv in variable data that will allow us to show a few lines of it in the Home page.

if app_mode == 'Home':    st.title('Loan Prediction')    st.image('loan_image.jpg')    st.markdown('Dataset:')    data = pd.read_csv('loan_dataset.csv')    st.write(data.head())    st.bar_chart(data[['ApplicantIncome', 'LoanAmount']].head(20))
Build a machine learning application 2

Then in the Prediction page:

if app_mode == 'Prediction':    ApplicantIncome = st.sidebar.slider('ApplicantIncome', 0, 10000, 0)    LoanAmount = st.sidebar.slider('LoanAmount in K$', 9.0, 700.0, 200.0)    # Assuming additional input features here...    # Prediction Logic    if st.button("Predict"):        loaded_model = pickle.load(open('Random_Forest.sav', 'rb'))        prediction = loaded_model.predict(np.array([ApplicantIncome, LoanAmount]).reshape(1, -1))        if prediction[0] == 0:            st.error('According to our calculations, you will not get the loan.')        else:            st.success('Congratulations! You will get the loan.')

We wrote two functions get_value(val,my_dict) and get_fvalue(val) and dictionaries as feature_dict to manipulate with non-numeric variables. It's optional, you can easily do something like this:

Build a machine learning application 3

Let's see why we did that.

Note: Machine learning algorithms cannot handle categorical variables. In the dataset, I did some feature engineering. For example, the column Married has two variables 'Yes' and 'No' and I did a Label Encoding ( Take a look to better understand ) so "NO" will be equal to 1 and "Yes" to 2. The function get_fvalue(val) will easily return the value (1/2) depending what the client has chosen. Same for the function get_value(val,my_dict) . The difference between the two functions is that the first works on yes/no features and the second one is in the general case when we have multiple variables ( example: Gender ).

As we can see the variable Dependents has four categories '0','1' , '2' and '3+' and we cannot convert something like that into a numeric variable, and we have '+3' that means Dependents can take 3,4,5 ... We did a One Hot Enconding ( Take a look to better understand ) Thus , we created a sidebar radio containing the four elements and each one has a binary variable, if the client chose '0' class_0 will be equal to 1 and the others will be equal to 0.

Build a machine learning application 4

Also we did One Hot Encoding for Property_Area that's why we created 3 variables (Rural,Urban,Semiurban) ,When Rural takes 1 the others will be equal to 0.

Build a machine learning application 4

So we have seen both—when we label or one hot encoding our features and how to deal with it to successfully created a working Streamlit app.

 data1={    'Gender':Gender,    'Married':Married,    'Dependents':[class_0,class_1,class_2,class_3],    'Education':Education,    'ApplicantIncome':ApplicantIncome,    'CoapplicantIncome':CoapplicantIncome,    'Self Employed':Self_Employed,    'LoanAmount':LoanAmount,    'Loan_Amount_Term':Loan_Amount_Term,    'Credit_History':Credit_History,    'Property_Area':[Rural,Urban,Semiurban],    }    feature_list=[ApplicantIncome,CoapplicantIncome,LoanAmount,Loan_Amount_Term,Credit_History,get_value(Gender,gender_dict),get_fvalue(Married),data1['Dependents'][0],data1['Dependents'][1],data1['Dependents'][2],data1['Dependents'][3],get_value(Education,edu),get_fvalue(Self_Employed),data1['Property_Area'][0],data1['Property_Area'][1],data1['Property_Area'][2]]    single_sample = np.array(feature_list).reshape(1,-1)

Now we will store our variables in a dictionary because we wrote get_value(val,my_dict) and get_fvalue(val) to deal with dictionaries. After that, the input—what the client will choose as input in our Streamlit app—will be arranged in a list named feature_list then to a numpy variable named single_sample.

Note: The inputs of features must be arranged in the same order of dataset columns (e.g. Married cannot take the input of Gender).

 if st.button("Predict"):        file_ = open("6m-rain.gif", "rb")        contents =        data_url = base64.b64encode(contents).decode("utf-8")        file_.close()        file = open("green-cola-no.gif", "rb")        contents =        data_url_no = base64.b64encode(contents).decode("utf-8")        file.close()        loaded_model = pickle.load(open('Random_Forest.sav', 'rb'))        prediction = loaded_model.predict(single_sample)        if prediction[0] == 0 :            st.error(    'According to our Calculations, you will not get the loan from Bank'    )            st.markdown(    f'<img src="data:image/gif;base64,{data_url_no}" alt="cat gif">',    unsafe_allow_html=True,)        elif prediction[0] == 1 :            st.success(    'Congratulations!! you will get the loan from Bank'    )            st.markdown(    f'<img src="data:image/gif;base64,{data_url}" alt="cat gif">',    unsafe_allow_html=True,    )

Finally, we will load our saved RandomForestClassifier model in loaded_model and its prediction, which is 0 or 1 (classification problem) in prediction. The .gif files will be stored in file and file_. Depending on the value of prediction, we will have two cases, "Success" or "Failed," to get a loan from the bank.

This is our Prediction page:

Build a machine learning application 5

In the case of FAILURE, the output will look like this:

Build a machine learning application 5

In the case of SUCCESS, the output will look like this:

Build a machine learning application 6

How to deploy a Streamlit app

Deployment is the mechanism through which applications are delivered from developers to users.

Deploying an application is the process of copying, configuring, and enabling a specific application to a specific base URL. Once the deployment process has finished, the application becomes publicly accessible on the base URL. The server carries out this two-step process by first staging the application, and then activating it after successful staging.

Let's learn how to deploy a Streamlit app!

Before you try to deploy your app, you need to create a new repository on your GitHub where you need to put your app code and dependencies.

How to deploy a Streamlit app 1
How to deploy a Streamlit app 2
How to deploy a Streamlit app 3
How to deploy a Streamlit app 4
How to deploy a Streamlit app 5

Then click on commit changes to save them:

How to deploy a Streamlit app 6

After creating a repository and uploading files, you need to create a new file named requirements where you have to put the libraries you used in your app.

First, click on create new file.

How to deploy a Streamlit app 6
How to deploy a Streamlit app 7

Now you're close to deploying your app, all you need is to visit this link.

Then follow these steps:

How to deploy a Streamlit app 8
How to deploy a Streamlit app 9
How to deploy a Streamlit app 10

Click on Deploy and wait for a moment!

A page will open automatically in your browser! This page is your project app realized with Streamlit.

Congratulations, you've successfully deployed your app! Click here to check the deployed app.

For more documentation, visit this link:

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How is Streamlit different from other Python web frameworks like Django or Flask?

Unlike other Python web frameworks like Flask or Django, Streamlit focuses on simplicity and speed. You can create interactive applications with minimal code, making it perfect for users who don’t want to spend time learning web development but still need functional, professional-looking apps.

Do I need to know HTML or CSS to use Streamlit?

No, Streamlit does not require any HTML, CSS, or JavaScript knowledge. You can create fully functional apps using just Python.

Which Python libraries are compatible with Streamlit?

Streamlit is compatible with many popular Python libraries, such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Plotly, Altair, Keras, TensorFlow, and PyTorch. This makes it easy to integrate data science workflows into your apps.

What are the new features in Streamlit 2024?

Streamlit 2024 introduced several new features, including enhanced themes, new widgets (like forms), and improvements to caching. Make sure to explore the documentation to take advantage of these new features.



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