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Data Portfolio Showcase

A curated source of inspiration of the best data portfolios on DataCamp.

11029 Portfolios


Data Analyst

2820 portfolios

Data Engineer

383 portfolios

Data Scientist

1182 portfolios


206 portfolios


2309 portfolios
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Jonny Gallon

Data and Exams Manager

Ive been a Data Manager within Education for a number of years. In my spare time I use Excel and Power Query to explore sports data. Im learning SQL and Python to further my interest in data science and analytics.

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Andrey Kotovets

Data Analyst

Data Analyst | Business Data Analyst | Business Intelligence Developer.

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Data Scientist

Currently in the second year of my Master's degree in data science at the Faculty of Sciences Semlalia Cadi Ayyad University. Looking forward to learning and having fun through these fantastic courses that DataCamp provides.

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José Traboulsi

Data Science student

Hello, I am an economics student and I am aiming to obtain new knowledge. I am looking forward to working as a Data Scientist in the business sector.

Analytical innovator, pushing the boundaries of what data can reveal.


Insights artist, transforming data into visually stunning masterpieces of knowledge.

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Esmeralda Bagini

B2B People Analyst

Lifelong learner, I embrace new skills, seamlessly blending them into my work for daily impact

MSc in Computer Science at Data Science Laboratory at CIC IPN

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Ryan Schumacher

Production Group Leader

I am a leader on a journey to learn and use data analytics to drive insights and enable organizational decision-making. I hold a Power BI cert and am studying Data Analytics at SNHU. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my lovely wife and dog.

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Sean Bunk

Former Psych Tech turned Data Analyst

Having worked as a Psychiatric Technician at David Grant Medical Center and Napa State Hospital, I have developed and refined my collaborative skills, data collection techniques, and record-keeping abilities. These valuable skills can be effectively

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Ali Mohammed

Data Scientist

A data science enthuisiast with a great desire for learning and developing

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Phuoc Vu

Data Engineer

I find my purpose when building a data pipeline and designing a database.

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Mary Lindsey


Data philosopher, pondering the mysteries of existence through statistical analysis.

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Farzad Rezaei

Data Analyst

I am an engineering graduate with great passion for data curiosity. I have always loved detective stories so the parallel world between detective stories and finding patterns in data attracts me.

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Aziz Emon


Data Science enthusiasts

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Caio Alves

Data Analyst

I've discovered data analytics in the late years of my bachelors degree, and started growing interest on it, so I decided to learn more about. I've worked with technical support for a while but now I'm looking to get into a data analyst role

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I'm looking to learn data analysis, data science, and machine learning.

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Bob Seelbach

Process Mining Consultant

Celonis Process Mining Consultant

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Khanh Nguyen

Psychology student

I am currently in my final year of pursuing a psychology degree with a focus on data analytics. During my studies, I completed a project with quantitative data analysis by using SPSS, and several projects that used Python, and SQL. I am a communicati

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Miguel Gutierrez

Data Analyst

Soy analista de datos con experiencia en la transformación de datos en información accionable. Poseo una sólida formación en diseño, estadística, programación y finanzas, lo que me permite convertir conjuntos de datos complejos en soluciones.

I am a data enthusiast with a Masters degree in data analytics, specializing in predictive modeling, data management, and analytics using Python and R. actively looking for an opportunity in a data analyst/data engineer, or data scientist role.

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Erman Özba?c?

Investments Supervisor

I have working experience over 10 years with significant skills in data-driven tasks such as collecting, storing, maintaining, querying and processing data, as well as preparing production reports through dashboards and storytelling with data viz.

I am a data analyst with three years of expertise in SQL and Power BI, specializing in data exploitation and visualization.


Jose Francisco Bano

Data Enthusiast

Ex-Radio Frequency Engineer for more than ten years, looking for the opportunity to grow professionally as a Data Analyst. Seeking to apply my problem-solving and data analysis skills to provide insights for well-informed and data-driven decisions.