Data Engineer Portfolios
Take a look at the best Data Engineer portfolios on DataCamp
383 Portfolios
Gaurang Vasara
Big Data Engineer
Data detective, solving mysteries with analytical prowess.

Kaddu Aaron Muzira
Data Engineer
I am passionate about Technology and I consider myself an IT service that is supposed to be available always to serve others better.
Bernie Voss
Data Engineer
I have a background in I/O Psychology and I've leveled up my technical skills to become a more competitive candidate for a People Analytics or Talent Data Science role with a sub-specialty in data engineering.

Data Engineer

Saswat Behera
Data Engineer
Data virtuoso, playing the chords of information to create harmonious insights.

Nadine Co
Data Engineer
Data whisperer, decoding the language of numbers with finesse.

chin chern low
Junior Data Engineer
Self-taught data analyst/scientist

Mostafa Saber
Senior Data Engineer
Experienced Data Engineer & Data Scientist with 9+ years of expertise and a Master?s in Data Science. Skilled in scalable pipelines, data lifecycles, and actionable insights. Actively seeking new opportunities to drive innovation, and add value

Sena Duysal
Biomedical Data Engineer
I am Biomedical Engineer, also interested in Data Science in Healthcare

Ibrahim Haroun
Data engineering
I'm still learning in all aspects of my life. Not the best at anything, but I try my best with everything. My passion is Data Science, Data Security.

Kritsada Kuwalai
Data Engineer

Sephanyah Peters
Data Engineer
Quantitative guru, enlightening the world with data-driven wisdom.

Edson Oliveira
Student and Data Engineer
Former Electrical Engineer. Current Data Engineer. Working hard to become a Data Scientist.

Boby Darmawan
Data Engineer
I'm 3rd year student

Alberto Beyersdorff
Aspiring Data Engineer
Aspiring Data Engineer | Experience with Python, Java, SQL | Full Stack Developer
Antoine Teston
Data engineer
Student in Health Data Science

Shay Rockman
Data Engineer
Does anybody actually read these things? Asking for a friend.

Artemis Kurtenoks
Data Engineer
Hi there! I?m a data engineer working in the local government sector. I?m passionate about using data to help make informed decisions that benefit our community. I?m also a self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur. ??
Thiago Ralph
Data Engineer
Data ninja, stealthily extracting insights from complex datasets.
Humam mohamad
junior data engineer
Data detective, solving mysteries with analytical prowess.

Arbyn Argabioso
Senior Data Engineer
I am a graduate of Electronics Engineering aspiring to make a name as a Software Engineer. I started working on achieving these goals by self-learning about coding. That's about it!

Rodrigo Vladimir Burgos Rivera
Data Engineer
Im looking for a job, i like to learn new things a lot, im able to work many different technologies.

Hagar El-Bayuomy
Data Engineer
Data Engineering learner

Kavya Madaiah
Data Engineer