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SQL Tutorials

Keep up to date with the latest techniques and resources for SQL Server. Our tutorials are full of free SQL Server training tips to help you learn, build, & grow.
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SQL NOT IN Operator: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Master SQL's NOT IN operator with this beginner's guide. Learn to filter data effectively, avoid common pitfalls, and explore efficient alternatives

Abid Ali Awan

February 9, 2024


SQL NOT EQUAL Operator: A Beginner's Guide

Unlock the power of SQL NOT EQUAL with our expert guide. Learn to refine data queries with practical examples and optimization tips for better analysis.
Abid Ali Awan's photo

Abid Ali Awan

December 10, 2024


Mastering SQL ROUND: Precision Handling in Data Analysis

Learn how to use the SQL ROUND function in this tutorial. It covers the implementation of the ROUND function in Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.
Laiba Siddiqui's photo

Laiba Siddiqui

February 8, 2024


How to Set Up and Configure MySQL in Docker

Learn how to set up and configure MySQL database inside Docker containers. The tutorial includes concepts such as connecting to MySQL servers, running MySQL clients to connect to containers, and so on.
Bex Tuychiev's photo

Bex Tuychiev

December 3, 2024


SELECTing Multiple Columns in SQL

Learn how to easily select multiple columns from a database table in SQL, or select all columns from a table in one simple query.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

December 4, 2024


SQL Server Tutorial: Unlock the Power of Data Management

Explore data management with our SQL Server Tutorial. From basics to advanced usage, enhance your skills and navigate SQL Server with confidence.

Kevin Babitz

October 6, 2023


MySQL Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Discover what MySQL is and how to get started in one of the most popular database management systems.
Javier Canales Luna's photo

Javier Canales Luna

September 28, 2023


QUALIFY: The SQL Filtering Statement You Never Knew You Needed

Learn about the SQL QUALIFY clause, an essential yet lesser-known filtering method in SQL. Understand its syntax, uses, and how it differs from other SQL filtering methods.
Kurtis Pykes 's photo

Kurtis Pykes

June 5, 2023


How to Practice SQL Using any Dataset with Workspace

Learn how DataCamp Workspace optimizes the experience of working with Jupyter notebooks and SQL. Discover how to effortlessly write SQL queries, connect to databases, analyze CSV files, and leverage the power of AI assistance
Richie Cotton's photo

Richie Cotton

May 15, 2023


How to Use SQL in pandas Using pandasql Queries

Unleash the power of SQL within pandas and learn when and how to use SQL queries in pandas using the pandasql library for seamless integration.
Elena Kosourova's photo

Elena Kosourova

May 11, 2023



COALESCE() is one of the handiest functions in SQL. Read this tutorial to learn how to master it.
Travis Tang 's photo

Travis Tang

October 12, 2022