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Python Switch Case Statement: A Beginner's Guide

Explore Python's match-case: a guide on its syntax, applications in data science, ML, and a comparative analysis with traditional switch-case.
Updated Jan 2024  · 5 min read

Python, unlike some other programming languages, did not include a traditional switch case statement until version 3.10. In this tutorial, we'll explore how Python's switch case equivalent works and how it can be implemented using Python's structural pattern matching feature.

Understanding Traditional Switch Case Statements

Before Python 3.10, Python developers had to use multiple if-elif-else statements or dictionaries to simulate switch case functionality. Here's a basic example using if-elif-else:

day = input("Enter the day of the week: ").capitalize()

if day == "Saturday" or day == "Sunday":
    print(f"{day} is a weekend.")
elif day in ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]:
    print(f"{day} is a weekday.")
    print("That's not a valid day of the week.")
Saturday is a weekend.

Introducing Match and Case in Python 3.10

With Python 3.10, the match statement and case keywords were introduced, providing a more elegant solution similar to traditional switch case statements in other languages.

Understanding the Basic Syntax

Let's consider a scenario where we want to categorize days of the week into weekend or weekday categories, and also identify a specific day. Here's how we can use the match statement:

day = input("Enter the day of the week: ").capitalize()

match day:
    case "Saturday" | "Sunday":
        print(f"{day} is a weekend.")
    case "Monday" | "Tuesday" | "Wednesday" | "Thursday" | "Friday":
        print(f"{day} is a weekday.")
    case _:
        print("That's not a valid day of the week.")
Monday is a weekday.
  • User Input and capitalize() Method: We start by taking the user's input for the day of the week and use the capitalize() method to format it properly (first letter uppercase, others lowercase).
  • Using the match Statement: We then use match to evaluate the day variable.
  • Pattern Matching with case:
    • The first case checks if the input is either "Saturday" or "Sunday". The symbol “|” also known as bitwise OR operator is used for matching any one of multiple patterns. If the input is either of these, it prints that the day is a weekend.
    • The second case covers all the weekdays by checking against each of them. If the input matches any weekday, it prints that the day is a weekday.
  • The Fallback Case (_): The last case acts as a default (`else` statement), catching any input that doesn't match the known days, indicating an invalid input.
  • No break Statements: Notice that we don't need to use break after each case. Python automatically exits the match statement after a successful match.

The match-case syntax is more readable and concise compared to a series of if-elif-else statements.

Advanced Use Cases of Match and Case in Python

Data science applications

Python's match-case statement can be highly useful in data preprocessing tasks in data science. Preprocessing often involves categorizing data into different groups based on specific criteria.

For example, in a dataset of animals, you might want to categorize them based on their class like mammals, birds, reptiles, etc. Here's a simplified example:

animal = "Eagle"
match animal:
    case "Eagle" | "Parrot":
    case "Lion" | "Tiger":
    case "Python" | "Crocodile":
    case _:
        print("Unknown Class")

This approach simplifies complex if-else logic and makes the code more readable and maintainable, especially when dealing with large datasets with multiple categories.

Machine learning scenarios

In machine learning, handling different types of data inputs is crucial. The match-case structure can be employed for feature extraction or model inference. For example, in a machine learning model that predicts weather conditions, match-case can be used to categorize temperature ranges into 'Cold', 'Warm', 'Hot', which can then be used as input features for the model.

Python Switch Case Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Debugging tips

A common mistake when using match-case in Python is forgetting to include the underscore (_) for the default case, akin to the 'else' in traditional if-else statements. This can lead to unexpected behaviors if none of the specific cases are matched. Always include a default case to handle unexpected or miscellaneous values.

Performance considerations

While the match-case statement is a powerful tool, its impact on the performance of Python code, particularly in large-scale applications, should be considered. In scenarios with a large number of cases, or complex pattern matching, performance can potentially be impacted. Profiling and testing your code for performance in real-world scenarios is crucial to understand and mitigate any potential performance issues.

Python Match-Case Versus Traditional Switch-Case

Comparative analysis

Python's match-case differs significantly from traditional switch-case statements found in languages like Java or C++. In Java, for example, the switch statement is limited to matching only scalar values (like integers and enum types), whereas Python's match-case offers a much more flexible pattern matching capability, allowing for matching complex data types, such as sequences and class instances. This makes Python's implementation more powerful but also requires a deeper understanding of pattern matching concepts.

Transitioning guide

For programmers familiar with traditional switch-case statements in languages like C++ or Java, transitioning to Python's match-case requires a shift in thinking from simple value matching to pattern matching.

It's important to understand that Python's match-case is more than just a switch-case; it's a versatile tool for deconstructing data types and extracting information from complex structures. Practicing with different data types and patterns is key to mastering its use.


Python's introduction of the match and case statements in version 3.10 provides a much-awaited feature for developers familiar with switch case statements in other languages. It offers a clean and concise way to handle multiple conditions, improving code readability and maintainability.

You can read more about Python Functions in our full tutorial and explore this and other concepts in our Intermediate Python course.


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