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The Top 32 Data Science Podcasts To Listen to in 2024

We’ve hand-picked the ultimate list of top data science podcasts for you to gain a deeper understanding of data science and analytics. Add them to your playlist now!
Updated Aug 8, 2024  · 10 min read

A great data science podcast is one that informs, entertains, and presents you with new ideas related to data science. The ethics of AI, tips on finding a data science job, how data is transforming all industries from finance to healthcare, and the latest ideas from data leaders are just a snippet of what’s out there.

With so many on offer, it can be hard to know what to listen to first, so we’ve compiled this segmented list of our favorite data science podcasts. From podcasts that discuss a broad range of data science talking points to ones that focus on topics like visualization or how-to build a career in data science, these monologues and discussions will leave you better-informed in data science than you were before you hit the “play” button.

General Data Science Podcasts

  1. Data Science At Home—Hosted by Dr Francesco Gadelatta, the founder of Amethix Technologies, this data science podcast focuses on AI, machine learning, and algorithms.
  2. Data Science Salon—With speakers and attendees from prominent, well-known brands (think Warner Brothers, Google, Netflix, and IBM) Data Science Salon presents an eclectic, well-informed mix of thought leadership.
  3. Data Skeptic—With over 200 episodes, this is one of the best-known data science podcasts, covering a huge variety of topics and releasing episodes almost every week.
  4. DataFramed—DataCamp’s own in-house data science podcast, our data evangelist Adel Nehme discusses how organizations can build data cultures and scale their data literacy with professionals from companies such as Viacom and Allianz.
  5. DataHack Radio—Hosted by the popular blog Analytics Vidhya, each episode features a machine learning expert being interviewed in order to keep up with recent developments in the field.
  6. Gradient Dissent—This data science podcast features deep-learning experts discussing how they implement this at companies such as Facebook, Google, and Lyft.
  7. Harvard Data Science Review Podcast—This data science podcast approaches the practical applications of data science, with episodes being described as “case studies” into how data influences the modern world.
  8. More or Less: Behind the Stats—This BBC data science podcast focuses on statistics. Recent episodes have included the numbers behind Squid Game and interviews with the most recent Nobel Prize for Economics winners.
  9. Practical AI—True to its name, this data science podcast describes itself as “keeping up with the latest advances of AI while keeping one foot in the real world”.
  10. The Data Engineering Podcast—Written and hosted by a data engineer, this data science podcast gets into the technicalities of data management.
  11. The Data Exchange—Hosted by Ben Lorica, the chair of the NLP Summit and the O’Reilly Data Show’s founder, the weekly episodes of this data science podcast focus on machine learning and AI.
  12. The TWIML AI Podcast—Standing for “This week in machine learning”, this data science podcast brings together some of the leading experts in AI and machine learning.
  13. Vanishing Gradients—Explores the world of AI, deep learning, and data science through conversations with industry experts.
  14. Making Data Simple—IBM's podcast discussing the evolving world of data science, AI, and machine learning with industry leaders.

Data Science Career Advice Podcasts

  1. Data Cast—Interviewing prominent data scientists, each episode focuses on the career lessons each learned before they landed their current data science job.
  2. Not so Standard Deviations—Roger Peng and Hillary Weaver spend each episode discussing data science news and relating it to their own experiences of working with data.
  3. Women in Data Science—Hosted exclusively by female data scientists, many of this data science podcast’s episodes focus heavily on how women can succeed at careers in the field and what lessons the guests learned on their journeys.
  4. The Artists of Data Science—Focuses on both professional and personal development for data scientists.

Data Visualization Podcasts

  1. Data Viz Today—Hosted by a former Pentagon analyst, this is a data science podcast that focuses on the end-stage: bringing your datasets to life through charts.
  2. The Policy Viz Podcast—Founded by an economist who had felt modern education was not adequately teaching people how to communicate their research findings, this podcast brings in a mix of researchers and designers to discuss the different ways of doing this—chief among them is data visualization.
  3. Elevate Data Visualization—Focuses on enhancing data storytelling skills and understanding the impact of visualizations.

Data Science Ethics Podcasts

  1. Data Science Ethics—This data science podcast focuses on all the ethical considerations we must remember when applying data, from amoral data gathering to the unintended consequences of improperly trained algorithms.

Technology-Specific Data Science Podcasts

  1. Python Bytes—This data science podcast has a focus on keeping its viewers up to date with the latest developments in Python.
  2. Talk Python to Me—Created by the same people as Python Bytes, this podcast has a similar focus on Python though each episode is geared towards interviews with industry experts.
  3. The NLP Highlights Podcast—Focuses on natural language processing with interviews and discussions on the latest trends.
  4. The Machine Learning Podcast—Covers the latest in machine learning technology, tools, and frameworks.

Applied Data Science Podcasts

In this section, we bring you some podcasts that focus on fields such as healthcare, but due to the widespread adoption of data science in these sectors have a few episodes that discuss this.

  1. Adversarial Learning—"This is our podcast about data, data science, science, Shingy, and whatever else we feel like talking about. Please listen to it.”
  2. Causal Inference—Sponsored by the American Journal of Epidemiology, this podcast also discusses statistics, causal inference, and public health. This makes it a good resource for anyone looking to apply their data science skills to this particular field.

Fun Data Science Podcasts

  1. Digital Analytics Power Hour—Hosted by three data scientists, this data science podcast has an edgier image than many of the entries on this list, described as the brainchild of a post-conference bar conversation and with each host described by their job title, location, and drink of choice.
  2. Lex Fridman Podcast—In-depth conversations on AI, science, and technology with industry experts and thought leaders.
  3. Machine Learning Street Talk—Discussions on the latest in machine learning and AI, often diving deep into theoretical concepts and practical applications.
  4. Quantitude—A podcast that combines humor and practical advice on quantitative methods, statistics, and data science, making complex topics accessible and engaging.

Looking for somewhere to start? DataCamp’s podcast, DataFramed, is available to listen to on Spotify, Apple, and Google Podcasts!

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How do I decide which data science podcast is best for me?

The best podcast for you depends on your current interests and level of expertise. If you're new to data science, general podcasts like DataFramed or Data Skeptic provide a broad overview of the field. For more specialized topics, such as career advice or data visualization, you might choose The Artists of Data Science or Data Viz Today. Consider what aspect of data science you want to explore—whether it's career development, technical skills, or industry trends—and start with a podcast that aligns with those interests.

Are there any podcasts that offer episodes in languages other than English?

Yes, Datanautas is a notable example of a data science podcast offered in Spanish. It covers topics like data science, big data, and AI, making it accessible to Spanish-speaking audiences. While most data science podcasts are in English, Datanautas provides valuable insights for non-English speakers interested in the field.

How frequently are these podcasts updated with new episodes?

The frequency of updates varies by podcast. Some, like Data Skeptic and The TWIML AI Podcast, release new episodes weekly, providing a steady stream of content. Others, such as Gradient Dissent and Harvard Data Science Review Podcast, might update less frequently but still offer high-quality episodes. To stay updated, you can subscribe to your favorite podcasts, which will notify you when new episodes are released.

Can I learn practical coding skills from these podcasts, or are they mostly theoretical?

While many of the podcasts focus on discussions and interviews, some, like Talk Python to Me and Python Bytes, delve into practical coding skills, particularly in Python. These podcasts often discuss specific tools, libraries, and coding techniques that you can apply directly to your work. For more hands-on learning, Practical AI also strikes a good balance between theory and application.

Are there any data science podcasts that focus specifically on ethical issues in AI and data science?

Yes, The Data Science Ethics Podcast specifically addresses ethical considerations in data science. It explores topics like bias, privacy, and the societal impact of data-driven decisions, often with a mix of serious discussion and humor. Other podcasts, like Lex Fridman Podcast and Machine Learning Street Talk, also touch on ethical issues, particularly in their discussions about AI and its broader implications.

Photo of Shaun Edmond
Shaun Edmond

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