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assert Keyword in Java

The assert keyword in Java is used for debugging purposes. It allows developers to test assumptions about their code. Assertions can be enabled or disabled when the program is run, making them a flexible tool for catching and diagnosing errors during development.


The assert keyword is used to create an assertion, which is a statement that you believe to be true at a particular point in your code. If the assertion is false, the Java runtime will throw an AssertionError. Assertions are typically used to validate internal invariants and assumptions.


assert expression;
assert expression : message;
  • expression: A boolean expression that you expect to be true.
  • message: An optional error message that will be displayed if the assertion fails.


Example 1: Basic Assertion

public class AssertExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 5;
        assert x > 0;
        System.out.println("Assertion passed, x is greater than 0");

In this example, the assertion checks that x is greater than 0. If x were not greater than 0, an AssertionError would be thrown.

Example 2: Assertion with Message

public class AssertWithMessage {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int y = -1;
        assert y >= 0 : "y should be non-negative";
        System.out.println("Assertion passed, y is non-negative");

This example includes a message with the assertion. If y is not greater than or equal to 0, the message "y should be non-negative" will be displayed along with the AssertionError.

Example 3: Enabling Assertions

public class EnableAssertions {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int z = 10;
        assert z < 5 : "z should be less than 5";
        System.out.println("This line will not execute if assertion fails");

To enable assertions, run the program with the -ea (enable assertions) flag:

java -ea EnableAssertions

If assertions are not enabled, the assertion will be ignored, and the program will run normally.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Use for Internal Invariants: Use assertions to check internal invariants and assumptions within your code, not for user input validation or other external checks.
  • Enable During Development: Enable assertions during development and testing to catch bugs early. They can be disabled in production for performance reasons.
  • Do Not Use for Side Effects: Avoid using assertions for side effects, as they may be disabled at runtime. The program should not rely on assertions to perform critical tasks.
  • Provide Meaningful Messages: When using assertions with messages, provide meaningful and descriptive messages to make debugging easier.
  • Avoid in Public Methods: Avoid using assertions in public methods for argument checking; use exceptions instead.

Common Misconceptions

  • Assertions in Production: There is a common misconception that assertions should be used in production code. Assertions are primarily a development tool and should generally be disabled in production to avoid performance issues.
  • Assertions vs. Exceptions: Assertions are not a replacement for exceptions. Use exceptions for error handling, especially for public method arguments and user input validation.
public void setAge(int age) {
    if (age < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Age cannot be negative");
    this.age = age;