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Java Modifiers

Java modifiers are keywords that you use to change the properties of classes, methods, and variables. They define the accessibility, behavior, and scope of these components. Modifiers are divided into two categories: access modifiers and non-access modifiers.

Access Modifiers

Access modifiers control the visibility of classes, methods, and variables. The four access modifiers in Java are:

  • public: The member is accessible from any other class.
  • protected: The member is accessible within its own package and by subclasses.
  • default (no keyword): The member is accessible only within its own package.
  • private: The member is accessible only within its own class.

Example of Access Modifiers

public class Example {
    public int publicVar;
    protected int protectedVar;
    int defaultVar; // default access
    private int privateVar;
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Public Variable: " + publicVar);
        System.out.println("Protected Variable: " + protectedVar);
        System.out.println("Default Variable: " + defaultVar);
        System.out.println("Private Variable: " + privateVar);

In this example, publicVar is accessible from anywhere, protectedVar is accessible within the package and subclasses, defaultVar is accessible within the package, and privateVar is accessible only within the Example class.

Non-Access Modifiers

Non-access modifiers provide additional functionalities such as controlling inheritance, ensuring immutability, and defining special properties. Some common non-access modifiers are:

  • static: Indicates that the member belongs to the class, rather than instances of the class.
  • final: Used to declare constants, prevent method overriding, and inheritance.
  • abstract: Used to declare abstract classes and methods.
  • synchronized: Used in multithreading to ensure that a method or block is accessed by only one thread at a time.
  • volatile: Ensures that the value of a variable is always read from the main memory.
  • transient: Prevents serialization of class fields.

Example of Non-Access Modifiers

public class NonAccessExample {
    public static final int CONSTANT = 100;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Constant Value: " + CONSTANT);

In this example, CONSTANT is a static and final variable, meaning it belongs to the class and cannot be changed.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Use Access Modifiers Wisely: Restrict access as much as possible to protect your data. Use private for fields unless they need to be accessed outside the class.
  • Static Usage: Use static for utility methods and constants that do not require object state.
  • Final for Constants: Declare constants using final and static to prevent modification.
  • Abstract Classes: Use abstract classes as base classes that should not be instantiated directly.
  • Synchronized for Thread Safety: Use synchronized to ensure thread safety when necessary, but be aware of potential performance impacts.
  • Volatile for Visibility: Use volatile for variables shared between threads to ensure visibility of changes.
  • Transient for Serialization: Use transient to exclude fields from serialization when they should not be part of the serialized object.