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Java keywords

In Java, keywords are reserved words that have a predefined meaning in the language. They form the foundation of Java's syntax and cannot be used as identifiers, such as variable names, method names, or class names.

Each keyword has a specific function, and the Java compiler uses these to parse the structure of Java code.

List of Java Keywords

Keyword Description
abstract Defines abstract classes and methods.
assert Used for debugging purposes to test assumptions in the code.
boolean Defines a boolean variable with true or false values.
break Exits a loop or a switch statement.
byte Defines a byte variable (8-bit signed integer).
case Defines a block of code in switch statements.
catch Handles exceptions in a try-catch block.
char Defines a character variable.
class Declares a class.
continue Skips the current iteration of a loop and continues.
default Defines the default block in a switch statement.
do Executes a block of code at least once in a do-while loop.
double Defines a double precision floating-point variable.
else Defines the alternative block for an if statement.
enum Declares an enumerated type.
extends Indicates a subclass inherits from a superclass.
final Defines constants or methods that cannot be overridden.
finally Ensures code execution after a try-catch block.
float Defines a floating-point variable.
for Declares a loop that repeats a block of code.
if Starts a conditional block.
implements Indicates that a class implements an interface.
import Imports classes or entire packages.
instanceof Tests whether an object is an instance of a specific class.
int Defines an integer variable.
interface Declares an interface.
long Defines a long integer variable.
native Indicates that a method is implemented in native code.
new Creates a new object instance.
null Represents the null reference, no value.
package Declares a package.
private Declares a private member, accessible only within its class.
protected Declares a protected member, accessible within package or subclasses.
public Declares a public member, accessible by any other class.
return Exits a method and optionally returns a value.
short Defines a short integer variable.
static Declares a static member that belongs to the class, not instances.
strictfp Restricts floating-point calculations to ensure portability.
super Refers to the superclass of the current object.
switch Declares a multi-branch conditional statement.
synchronized Locks a block of code or method to prevent concurrent access.
this Refers to the current object instance.
throw Throws an exception.
throws Declares exceptions that a method can throw.
transient Marks a field to be skipped during serialization.
try Starts a block to test for exceptions.
void Indicates that a method does not return a value.
volatile Marks a variable as being used by multiple threads.
while Declares a loop that executes while a condition is true.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Avoid using Java keywords as variable names: Trying to use a keyword as a variable or identifier will result in a syntax error.
  • Use meaningful names: When naming classes, methods, or variables, ensure they are descriptive and avoid abbreviations that are unclear.
  • Keep keywords in mind when working with frameworks: Be mindful of keywords when you generate classes or methods dynamically, especially when using frameworks that auto-generate code.
  • Organize code using keywords effectively: Make good use of keywords like final, synchronized, and volatile in multithreaded applications for thread safety and performance.