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SQL Order of Execution: Understanding How Queries Run

Understand the SQL order of execution and how its different from the order of writing. Write accurate and optimized queries for improved performance and avoid common mistakes in query design.
Oct 10, 2024  · 5 min read

When writing SQL queries, we usually follow a certain order. (SQL is known to be written from the inside-out.) However, the SQL engines follow a specific order of execution when compiling queries, which is different from the typical order of writing. Understanding the SQL order of execution is important in mastering query optimization, improving query accuracy and performance, and debugging complex issues, as you will see.

As we get started, I recommend taking DataCamp’s Introduction to SQL course and SQL Fundamentals skill track to learn the basics of SQL and how to extract data using queries. The SQL Basics Cheat Sheet will be a helpful guide for common SQL functions for filtering and aggregating data.

What is SQL Order of Execution?

SQL order of execution refers to the order in which the different clauses in the query are evaluated. It's worth understanding because the execution order is usually different from how we write the SQL queries. To take the most simple example, you might think that in the case of SELECT * FROM database, the SELECT is evaluated first, but really the order of execution starts with it’s the FROM clause.

Here is the SQL order of execution. In the next section, we will go through the steps in detail. 

  • FROM/JOIN: Specifies the tables from which to retrieve data.
  • WHERE: Filters the rows that meet the condition before grouping.
  • GROUP BY: Groups rows that share a property.
  • HAVING: Filters groups based on conditions, applied after grouping.
  • SELECT: Specifies the columns to retrieve or calculate.
  • DISTINCT: Removes duplicate rows from the result set.
  • ORDER BY: Sorts the result set by specified columns.
  • LIMIT: Specifies the maximum number of rows to return.
  • OFFSET: Specifies how many rows to skip before starting to return rows.

In this following query, I have added comments to show which are evaluated first. 

-- #6+7   SELECT DISTINCT department_id                                 
-- #1     FROM employees                                                
-- #2     JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id     
-- #3     WHERE salary > 3000                                          
-- #4     GROUP BY department 
-- #5     HAVING AVG(salary) > 5000 
-- #8     ORDER BY department 
-- #9     LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5 

I have also created an acrostic that might help: For Work Goals and Hurdles Search DataCamp's Organized Learning Opportunities.

Stages of SQL Query Execution

Although most of the SQL queries we write begin with the SELECT statement, the logical order of execution starts with the FROM clause. Here, I will write queries to show the query order of execution. Although, keep in mind that these queries are incomplete and won't compile.

FROM clause

SQL queries begin the execution process with the FROM clause. This is usually the first stage since the database identifies the data sources/table. Where multiple tables are involved, the SQL query will also evaluate the JOIN condition to combine the tables specified as the data source.

The incomplete query below would first select data from the customers table using the FROM clause and the orders table using the JOIN clause.

FROM customers
JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id;

WHERE clause

The WHERE clause is executed after the FROM and JOIN clauses to filter the rows based on specific conditions. It is important to note that columns defined with aliases in the SELECT clause cannot be referenced directly in the WHERE clause since it is processed before the SELECT

The query below uses the WHERE clause to filter records of employees with a bonus greater than 5000.

FROM employees
JOIN departments ON employees.employee_id = departments.department_id
WHERE salary * 0.1 > 5000;

GROUP BY clause

After filtering the rows, SQL executes the GROUP BY clause to group the results based on specified columns. This step is usually used with aggregate functions like COUNT(), SUM(), and AVG() to perform some calculations on the specified columns.

The query below first filters out employees with a salary greater than 3,000, then groups them by department and calculates the average salary for each group.

FROM employees e
JOIN departments d ON e.employee_id = d.department_id
WHERE e.salary > 3000
GROUP BY, d.department_name;

HAVING clause

The HAVING clause is similar to the WHERE clause but is used to filter grouped data after the GROUP BY operation. In the query below, SQL groups employees by department, calculate the average salary for each group, and then filters out groups where the average salary is less than or equal to 5,000

FROM employees
JOIN departments ON employees.employee_id = departments.department_id
WHERE salary > 3000
GROUP BY department_name
HAVING AVG(salary) > 5000;

SELECT clause

The SELECT clause is where SQL derives the columns or expressions to be returned after executing the preceding steps. You can apply arithmetic operations, aliasing, and aggregate functions in the SELECT clause.

The following query uses the SELECT clause to retrieve the name and bonus calculated as salary * 0.1 from the employees table.

SELECT name, salary * 0.1 AS bonus
FROM employees
JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
WHERE salary > 3000
HAVING AVG(salary) > 5000;


The DISTINCT clause is evaluated after the SELECT clause in a query. The DISTINCT clause is important in removing duplicate records from a table because it returns unique rows. The query below returns each unique department_id, filtering out duplicates.

SELECT DISTINCT department_id
FROM employees
JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
WHERE salary > 3000
GROUP BY department
HAVING AVG(salary) > 5000;

ORDER BY clause

The ORDER BY clause sorts out the results set of specific columns or expressions. Unlike the WHERE clause, the ORDER BY clause can use column aliases defined in the SELECT statement.

The query below sorts the bonus column in descending order. Note that the bonus was defined in the SELECT statement as an alias of an expression.

SELECT DISTINCT department_id
FROM employees
JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
WHERE salary > 3000
GROUP BY department
HAVING AVG(salary) > 5000


The LIMIT and OFFSET clauses are usually the last to be executed in a SQL query to restrict the number of rows to return. The LIMIT clause specifies the maximum number of rows to return, and OFFSET specifies how many rows to skip before starting to return rows.

The query below retrieves employees' names and salaries, sorts them by salary in descending order, and limits the output to 10 results while skipping the first 5 rows.

SELECT DISTINCT department_id
FROM employees
JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
WHERE salary > 3000
GROUP BY department
HAVING AVG(salary) > 5000

The LIMIT and OFFSET clauses are supported in MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. For SQL Server and Oracle, you use OFFSET, ROWS FETCH, and ROWS ONLY to restrict the number of rows to return from a query.

Check out our tutorial on How to Use SQL OFFSET to learn more about data pagination and database-specific support for OFFSET and LIMIT clauses.

SQL Order of Execution vs. Order of Writing

SQL is a declarative language, meaning that the query execution order differs from the written order. So, instead of specifying how to perform a task, you declare what you want, and the database engine decides the best way to achieve it. This method differs from imperative programming languages like Python or Java, where you explicitly write step-by-step instructions for execution. 

Understanding the SQL order of execution changes how you think about constructing queries. For example, imagine you write a query to filter rows based on an alias you created in the SELECT clause:

SELECT price * 0.9 AS discounted_price
FROM products
WHERE discounted_price > 100;

At first glance, this looks logical, but it will throw an error. Why? Because the WHERE clause is evaluated before the SELECT clause in SQL's execution order. To fix it, you'd need to use a subquery or HAVING instead:

SELECT price * 0.9 AS discounted_price
FROM products
HAVING discounted_price > 100;

To learn more about WHERE and HAVING specifically, read our tutorial: The Difference Between WHERE and HAVING in SQL.

Common Mistakes and Best Practices

Although the order of query execution is not affected by the order of writing, understanding the execution flow is crucial to avoid common mistakes and improve query performance. The following mistakes are directly linked to misunderstanding SQL’s execution order:

Common mistakes

The following are the common mistakes that might hinder your query performance.

  • Using Column Aliases in the WHERE Clause: Since the WHERE clause is executed before the SELECT clause, trying to use an alias in WHERE will result in an error. Understanding that SQL evaluates WHERE before the SELECT clause teaches you that you need to repeat the full expression instead of relying on an alias.

  • Using HAVING for Row Filtering Instead of WHERE: The HAVING clause is executed after GROUP BY and is designed for filtering aggregated data. If you're filtering non-aggregated data, it belongs in the WHERE clause. Knowing the difference in execution order between WHERE and HAVING helps you determine where each condition should be placed.

  • Incorrect Use of Aggregates in SELECT Without GROUP BY: Since GROUP BY is executed before HAVING or SELECT, failing to group your data before applying an aggregate function will lead to incorrect results or errors. Understanding the execution order clarifies why these two clauses must go together.

  • Not Using Aliases Properly in the ORDER BY Clause: Unlike the WHERE clause, the ORDER BY clause is evaluated after SELECT. This allows you to use aliases created in SELECT for sorting, helping you avoid confusion by knowing when aliases are available for use.

Best practices

Consider the following best practices to ensure your queries execute as expected.

  • Filter Early with WHERE: Since the WHERE clause is executed before GROUP BY and JOIN, applying filters early reduces the number of rows processed by subsequent clauses, improving query performance. By filtering non-aggregated data as early as possible, you limit the data that needs to be grouped or joined, saving processing time.

  • Pre-Aggregate Data Before Joins: Knowing that FROM and JOIN are the first clauses executed, pre-aggregating data using subqueries or common table expressions (CTEs) allows you to shrink the dataset before the join process. This ensures that fewer rows are processed during the join.

  • Optimize ORDER BY with Indexes: Since the ORDER BY clause is one of the last executed steps, ensuring that the sorted columns are indexed will speed up query performance by helping the database handle sorting operations more efficiently.

  • Avoid SELECT * in Production Queries: The SELECT clause is executed after filtering, grouping, and aggregating, so specifying only the needed columns minimizes the amount of data retrieved, reducing unnecessary overhead.


Understanding the SQL order of execution is important for writing efficient, accurate, and optimized queries. We have discussed the logical order of query execution in SQL and compared it to the written order. I encourage you to practice writing different queries to better understand the logical execution order. Mastering this concept will greatly improve your ability to troubleshoot and optimize SQL queries.

If you are looking to advance your SQL skills, I recommend trying out DataCamp’s Associate Data Analyst in SQL career track to become a proficient data analyst. The Reporting in SQL course will also help you become proficient in building complex reports and dashboards for effective data presentation. Finally, you should obtain the SQL Associate Certification to showcase your mastery in using SQL to solve business problems and stand out among other professionals.

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Allan Ouko
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SQL Order of Execution FAQs

How does SQL execution differ from the written order?

The SQL execution order usually starts with the FROM clause followed by clauses like WHERE and GROUP BY while the writing order starts with the SELECT statement.

How does JOIN fit into the order of execution?

The JOIN operations are executed as part of the FROM clause.

Can I use column aliases in the WHERE clause?

No, column aliases are defined in the SELECT clause, executed after the WHERE clause.

What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING?

WHERE filters rows before grouping, while HAVING filters after GROUP BY and works on aggregated data.

Does SQL execution order impact query performance?

Yes, understanding the execution order allows you to optimize queries by applying filters early and reducing unnecessary operations.


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