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MySQL ALL Keyword

The `ALL` keyword in MySQL is used to compare a value to all values in another set of values returned by a subquery. It ensures that a condition is true for every value in the result set of the subquery.


The `ALL` keyword is typically used with comparison operators like `=`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, and `<=` to compare a single value against a set of values. It is used to filter results by ensuring that the comparison holds for all elements in the provided set.

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name comparison_operator ALL (subquery);

In this syntax, `comparison_operator ALL (subquery)` ensures that the comparison operation is true for all values returned by the subquery. If the subquery returns no rows, the condition evaluates to true for all operators except `=`, which will return no rows.


1. Basic Comparison with ALL

SELECT employee_id
FROM employees
WHERE salary > ALL (SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE department_id = 2);

This query retrieves employee IDs from the `employees` table where the salary is greater than all salaries in department 2. This might be used to find employees with the highest salaries for a given department.

2. Using ALL with `=`

SELECT product_id
FROM products
WHERE price = ALL (SELECT MIN(price) FROM products GROUP BY category_id);

This example finds product IDs whose price is equal to the minimum price of all products in each category. This can be useful for identifying products that are priced at the lowest within their respective categories.

3. Combining ALL with Multiple Conditions

SELECT student_id
FROM students
WHERE grade >= ALL (SELECT grade FROM students WHERE course_id = 101)
AND age < ALL (SELECT age FROM students WHERE course_id = 101);

In this query, student IDs are selected if their grade is greater than or equal to all grades, and age is less than all ages of students in course 101. This could help in identifying top-performing, younger students in a specific course.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Ensure non-empty subqueries. Make sure the subquery returns a result set; otherwise, `ALL` will not work as expected. If the subquery returns no rows, the condition evaluates to true for all operators except `=`.
  • Handle NULL values carefully. If the subquery results include NULLs, they might affect the outcome unexpectedly, as comparisons with NULL generally yield unknown.
  • Use with specific operators. `ALL` is most effective with operators like `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, and `=` to perform comprehensive comparisons.
  • Optimize subqueries. For performance, ensure that subqueries are optimized, especially when dealing with large datasets. Consider using indexes on columns involved in subqueries to enhance performance.
  • Combine with `EXISTS` for clarity. Sometimes using `EXISTS` along with `ALL` can make the logic clearer and the query more efficient. For example, using `EXISTS` can help ensure the subquery returns meaningful results.
  • Contrast with `ANY` or `SOME`. While `ALL` requires a condition to be true for all values, `ANY` or `SOME` require it to be true for at least one. Understanding these differences can help choose the right keyword for your query needs.