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The `REPLACE` statement in MySQL is used to insert or update data in a table. It functions similarly to `INSERT`, but it first deletes any existing row with the same primary key and then inserts the new row.


The `REPLACE` statement is used when you want to ensure that a row is replaced if a duplicate key exists. It is particularly useful for maintaining unique records when inserting data.

REPLACE INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, ...);

In this syntax, `REPLACE INTO` ensures that any existing row with the same unique key is removed before the new row is inserted.


1. Basic Replace

REPLACE INTO users (id, username)
VALUES (1, 'johndoe');

In this example, if a row with `id` 1 exists in the `users` table, it will be deleted and replaced with a new row with the username 'johndoe'.

2. Replace with Multiple Columns

REPLACE INTO products (product_id, name, price)
VALUES (101, 'Laptop', 999.99);

This syntax replaces a product with `product_id` 101 if it exists, otherwise adds a new entry with the specified name and price.

3. Replace with Subquery

REPLACE INTO inventory (item_id, quantity)
SELECT item_id, SUM(quantity) FROM incoming_items
GROUP BY item_id;

In this example, `REPLACE` is used with a subquery to update or insert records from the `incoming_items` table into the `inventory` table.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Ensure unique constraints. Use `REPLACE` only when your table has a primary key or unique index, as it relies on these to identify duplicates.
  • Be cautious of data loss. Remember that `REPLACE` deletes the existing row before inserting the new one, which can lead to unintended data loss.
  • Consider transaction usage. Use transactions if multiple related changes must occur simultaneously to ensure data integrity.
  • Evaluate performance impacts. Frequent use of `REPLACE` can lead to overhead due to the delete operation; consider using `INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE` as an alternative.
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, ...)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE column1 = value1, column2 = value2;

This syntax allows updating specific columns without deleting the existing row, which can be more efficient in certain scenarios.

  • Trigger Effects. Be aware that using `REPLACE` will activate any DELETE triggers associated with the table, which may not be immediately obvious.