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MySQL CONCAT() Function

The `CONCAT()` function in MySQL is used to concatenate two or more strings into a single string. It is useful for creating a unified string output from multiple fields or values.


The `CONCAT()` function is often used to merge strings from different columns or variables, enhancing data presentation in queries. It can handle any number of arguments, returning `NULL` if any argument is `NULL`.

CONCAT(string1, string2, ...);

In this syntax, `string1`, `string2`, etc., represent the strings or column values to be concatenated. Note that numeric values within `CONCAT()` are automatically converted to strings.


1. Basic Concatenation

SELECT CONCAT('Hello', ' ', 'World') AS greeting;

This example concatenates the strings `'Hello'`, `' '`, and `'World'`, resulting in the output: `Hello World`.

2. Concatenating Columns

SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS full_name
FROM employees;

Here, the `CONCAT()` function combines the `first_name` and `last_name` columns with a space in between, creating a full name for each employee.

3. Concatenating with Other Functions

SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name, ' - ', UPPER(job_title)) AS full_details
FROM employees;

This example concatenates `first_name`, `last_name`, and the uppercase version of `job_title`, separated by spaces and a hyphen, offering a formatted string for each employee.

4. Handling NULL Values

SELECT CONCAT(IFNULL(first_name, ''), ' ', IFNULL(last_name, '')) AS full_name
FROM employees;

This example uses `IFNULL()` to replace `NULL` values with an empty string, ensuring that concatenated results are not `NULL`.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Handle NULL values. Use `IFNULL()` or `COALESCE()` to substitute `NULL` values to ensure `CONCAT()` returns expected results.
  • Use separators wisely. Include spaces or other characters between concatenated strings for readability.
  • Optimize for performance. Minimize the number of concatenated fields when possible, especially in large datasets. Consider the impact of concatenating large text fields and use indexes or other optimization techniques if necessary.
  • Consider data types. Ensure data types are appropriate for concatenation; convert numbers to strings if necessary using `CAST()` or `CONVERT()`.
  • Explore alternatives. The `CONCAT_WS()` function allows you to specify a separator between strings, which can be useful for more controlled concatenation.

Additional Context

  • MySQL automatically converts numeric values to strings within `CONCAT()`.
  • In some SQL systems, `CONCAT()` may not return `NULL` if any argument is `NULL`, differing from MySQL's behavior.