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What is Boosting?

Boosting improves machine learning performance by sequentially correcting errors and combining weak learners into strong predictors.
Aug 16, 2024  · 11 min read

Recent advancements in machine learning have introduced new ways to tackle complex problems. Boosting is one technique that keeps showing promise. It is changing how we approach data modeling by using multiple algorithms to improve performance. As the concept of boosting continues to evolve, newer variants like Gradient Boosting and XGBoost have emerged, pushing the boundaries of speed and accuracy.

Don’t worry if you feel like there’s a lot to learn in the area of predictive modeling. Try our Associate Data Scientist in Python or Data Scientist in Python career tracks, as well as our Explore Ensemble Learning Techniques tutorial to keep learning. 

Boosting in Machine Learning

Boosting is a powerful ensemble learning method in machine learning, specifically designed to improve the accuracy of predictive models by combining multiple weak learners—models that perform only slightly better than random guessing—into a single, strong learner. 

The essence of boosting lies in the iterative process where each weak learner is trained to correct the errors of its predecessor, gradually enhancing the overall model's performance. By focusing on the mistakes made by earlier models, boosting turns a collection of weak learners into a more accurate model. 

How Boosting Works

Boosting transforms weak learners into one unified, strong learner through a systematic process that focuses on reducing errors in sequential model training. The steps involved include:

  1. Select Initial Weights: Assign initial weights to all data points to indicate their importance in the learning process.
  2. Train Sequentially: Train the first weak learner on the data. After evaluating its performance, increase the weights of misclassified instances. This makes the next weak learner focus more on the harder cases.
  3. Iterate the Process: Repeat the process of adjusting weights and training subsequent learners. Each new model focuses on the weaknesses of the ensemble thus far.
  4. Combine the Results: Aggregate the predictions of all weak learners to form the final output. The aggregation is typically weighted, where more accurate learners have more influence.

This method effectively minimizes errors by focusing more intensively on difficult cases in the training data, resulting in a strong predictive performance.

Types of Boosting Algorithms

Let’s take a look at some of the most well-known boosting algorithms. 

AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting)

AdaBoost is one of the first boosting algorithms. It focuses on reweighting the training examples each time a learner is added, putting more emphasis on the incorrectly classified instances. AdaBoost is particularly effective for binary classification problems. Read our AdaBoost Classifier in Python tutorial to learn more.

Gradient Boosting

Gradient boosting builds models sequentially and corrects errors along the way. It uses a gradient descent algorithm to minimize the loss when adding new models. This method is flexible and can be used for both regression and classification problems. Our tutorial, A Guide to The Gradient Boosting Algorithm, describes this process in detail. 

XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting)

XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library and the go-to method for many competition winners on Kaggle. It is designed to be highly efficient, flexible, and portable. It implements machine learning algorithms under the Gradient Boosting framework, offering a scalable and accurate solution to many practical data issues. For a more detailed study, consider reviewing our Using XGBoost in Python tutorial and taking our dedicated course: Extreme Gradient Boosting with XGBoost.

Ensemble Methods

Boosting belongs to the larger group of ensemble methods. Ensemble methods are an approach in machine learning that combines multiple models to produce more accurate predictions than any single model could typically achieve alone. These techniques work by utilizing the diversity of different models, each with its own strengths and limitations, to create a collective decision-making process.

Different types of ensemble methods

Boosting is a prominent ensemble learning technique, but it is just one among several that enhance the predictive strength of models. Let’s take a look at a few others.

  • Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating): A method that trains multiple models on random subsets of the training data and aggregates their predictions. It reduces variance and helps to avoid overfitting.
  • Stacking (Stacked Generalization): A technique that combines multiple models by training a meta-model to learn how to best combine the predictions of base models. It can capture complex patterns that single models might miss.
  • Blending: Similar to stacking, but uses a held-out validation set to train the meta-model instead of cross-validation. It's simpler and faster than stacking but may be less robust.
  • Voting: Combines predictions from multiple models by either majority vote (hard voting) or weighted average of predicted probabilities (soft voting). It's simple to implement and can be effective with diverse base models.

Boosting vs. bagging

Boosting is often compared to bagging in particular. Although they are similar in some ways, there are definitely big differences. Below is a table comparing boosting to bagging:

Feature Boosting Bagging
Conceptual Focus Sequentially improves accuracy by focusing on previously misclassified examples. Trains multiple models on random subsets, averaging their predictions.
Model Training Sequential training allows each model to learn from the previous model's errors. Parallel training of models on varied data samples increases diversity.
Error Reduction Reduces bias primarily and variance to a lesser extent. Reduces variance, particularly in complex models that tend to overfit.
Sensitivity to Outlier More sensitive due to increased focus on misclassified data. Less sensitive as random sampling dilutes the impact of outliers.
Examples AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, XGBoost. Random Forests, Bootstrap Aggregating.

If you are interested in learning more about bagging, read our What is Bagging in Machine Learning? tutorial, which uses sklearn. 

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An Implementation of Boosting in Python

One of the best ways to understand boosting is to try to show it in practice. To do this, we will use this Almond Types Classification Kaggle dataset, which features three types of almonds: MAMRA, SANORA, and REGULAR, and their unique physical attributes such as area, perimeter, and roundness. 

The features of each almond sample were extracted through sophisticated image processing techniques. Null values in the dataset represent instances where the orientation of the almond—whether held upright, laid on its side, or on its back—affected the accuracy of the feature extraction process. 

Let’s now use this dataset to try a classification task. We will use the AdaBoost algorithm, which, as we have said, enhances model performance by combining weak learners into one strong one.

1. Importing libraries

We start by importing the necessary libraries and loading the almond dataset. Then, we split the features and target variables.

import pandas as pd
almonds = pd.read_csv('Almond.csv', index_col=0)
X = almonds.drop('Type', axis=1)  
y = almonds['Type']

2. Handling missing data

Next, we clean up the dataset by filling in missing values using the KNN imputer. This makes sure we have a complete dataset for our model.

from sklearn.impute import KNNImputer
imputer = KNNImputer(n_neighbors=5)
X_imputed = imputer.fit_transform(X)

3. Splitting the data for training and testing

We split the data into training and test sets so we can evaluate how well our model would handle new data.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_imputed, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

4. Training a decision tree classifier

We train a simple decision tree model here, which gives us a baseline accuracy before moving on to boost its performance.

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1, random_state=42), y_train)
tree_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, tree.predict(X_test))

5. Enhancing performance with AdaBoost

We then use AdaBoost to improve our decision tree’s performance by focusing on its mistakes and boosting accuracy.

from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
ada = AdaBoostClassifier(base_estimator=tree, n_estimators=100, learning_rate=1.0, random_state=42), y_train)
ada_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, ada.predict(X_test))

# Print the accuracies
print(f'Accuracy of the weak learner (Decision Tree): {tree_accuracy * 100:.2f}%')
print(f'Accuracy of AdaBoost model: {ada_accuracy * 100:.2f}%')

6. Final output

Finally, we compare the results and see how AdaBoost significantly improves accuracy.

Accuracy of the weak learner (Decision Tree): 43.14%
Accuracy of AdaBoost model: 61.50%

So, what is the takeaway? The results illustrate the power of ensemble learning through AdaBoost. Here, the weak learner was a decision tree with a maximum depth of just one, which had a modest accuracy of about 43%. Given that there were only three kinds of almonds, a 43% accuracy is not much greater than the guessing average. However, when this weak learner was used as the base estimator in an AdaBoost model with 100 iterations, the accuracy improved to 62%.

To take a step back, as a note of caution, while AdaBoost reported a higher accuracy on our Almonds dataset, it might not always be the best fit for every situation. There's a risk of overfitting, especially with smaller datasets like this one, where the model may become overly complex. In reality, simpler classification techniques could perform just as well or even better for certain tasks. So, while we used AdaBoost here to illustrate the concept, it's important to step back and consider whether we really want a high level of complexity.


Boosting represents a significant advancement in the field of machine learning, showcasing the power of ensemble methods to enhance predictive accuracy. As we've explored, boosting algorithms like AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost operate on a fundamental principle: combining multiple weak models to create a single, more effective predictor. 

However, it's important to remember that boosting is just one tool in the machine learning toolkit. Its effectiveness can vary depending on the specific problem. As with any machine learning technique, understanding when and how to apply boosting is key to its full potential.

To deepen your understanding of boosting and other machine learning concepts, consider exploring DataCamp's comprehensive Machine Learning for Everyone career track. For those looking to specialize further, the Machine Learning Scientist with Python career track offers in-depth training on advanced techniques and practical applications.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is boosting in machine learning?

Boosting is an ensemble learning technique used to improve the accuracy of predictive models. It combines multiple weak learners—models that perform only slightly better than random guessing—into a single strong learner, which significantly enhances overall model performance.

How is boosting different from bagging?

Boosting and bagging are both ensemble techniques that combine multiple models to improve predictions, but they operate differently. Boosting trains models sequentially, each new model focusing on the errors of the previous ones to reduce bias and improve accuracy. In contrast, bagging trains models in parallel on different subsets of the data, averaging their outputs to reduce variance and enhance stability. While boosting is sensitive to outliers and noise, bagging is more robust against them due to its averaging method.

Can boosting be used for both classification and regression problems?

Yes, boosting techniques can be adapted for both classification and regression. While AdaBoost is more commonly used for classification problems, other variants like Gradient Boosting can be effectively used for regression as well.

How do you choose the number of boosting iterations?

The number of iterations, or the number of weak learners, in a boosting algorithm typically depends on the specific dataset and the complexity of the problem. It can be determined using cross-validation or similar techniques to balance between underfitting and overfitting.

How does AdaBoost differ from other boosting techniques, such as Gradient Boosting?

AdaBoost enhances the weights of misclassified instances to focus subsequent models on these challenging cases. Gradient Boost, in contrast, fits new learners to the residual errors of prior models.

What are the main advantages of using AdaBoost?

The main advantages of AdaBoost are its simplicity, effectiveness, and the fact that it does not require prior knowledge about the weak learner. It is also very flexible, capable of being combined with any learning algorithm, and it is often very successful in classifications where other methods might struggle.

What are some notable alternatives to AdaBoost for boosting performance in machine learning models?

Some notable alternatives to AdaBoost include Gradient Boosting, XGBoost, CatBoost, LightGBM, and HistGradientBoost.

What are some types of ensemble learning methods other than boosting?

Common forms of ensemble learning, aside from boosting, include bagging and stacking, each employing different strategies for integrating models to maximize predictive power.


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