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How One Teacher Revolutionized Data Education in the Czech Republic

Discover the inspiring story of how DataCamp collaborated with a Czech high school teacher to bring DataCamp Classrooms to all high school teachers and students in his country.
Oct 14, 2022  · 3 min read

Since March 2021, one of our proudest achievements has been rolling out free access to DataCamp Classrooms to secondary school teachers worldwide, country by country. By July 2022, the service was live in the US, UK, Belgium, Poland, and Australia. Then we received an eye-opening email from Jakub Kormárek, a teacher at Secondary Technical and Grammar School Smíchov, asking if the same fully-featured premium experience could be shared with Czech secondary school teachers and students, as well. Here is his story, in his own words, on how he helped us bring free data education to over 1,000 schools in his home country:

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My university studies introduced me to the online platform DataCamp and its service DataCamp Classrooms. I intended to use this platform as one of the teaching tools at Secondary Technical and Grammar School Smíchov where I teach programming in R. However, I later realized that this service was unavailable for secondary schools in the Czech Republic.

I asked DataCamp Social Impact Team about the possibility of making it available. I was told that adding Poland to the list of countries where this service is now available was prioritized as a gesture of help with the humanitarian crisis related to the Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Hence, I did my math and calculated in R that there are more Ukrainian refugees per 1,000 inhabitants in the Czech Republic than in Poland. On this basis, I requested prioritizing adding the Czech Republic to the list. Subsequently, I obtained the list of secondary schools' private email domains from the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports and forwarded it to the DataCamp team. Now I am looking forward to the next school year with help of DataCamp. I was told that there are now 20 new Ukrainian students at our school.  

Mé vysokoškolské studia mne zasvětily do online platformy DataCamp a jejich služby DataCamp Classrooms. Chtěl jsem původně používat tuto platformu jako jeden z učících nástrojů na Smíchovské střední průmyslové škole a Gymnáziu, kde učím programování v R. Bohužel jsem však později zjistil, že tato služba není dostupná pro střední školy v České republice a zeptal jsem DataCamp podpory na možnost zdostupnění.

Bylo mi řečeno, že přidání Polska na seznam zemí, kde tato služba je v současnosti dostupná, bylo prioritizováno jako gesto pomoci s humanitární krizí s ukrajinskými uprchlíky v Polsku. Tudíž, jsem v Rku spočítal, že v České republice je více ukrajinských uprchlíku na 1 000 obyvatel než v Polsku a na tomto základě jsem požádal o prioritizování přidání České republiky na seznam. Následně jsem získal od Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy seznam privátních emailových domén středních škol, přeposlal ho DataCamp týmu a teď se těším na následující školní rok za pomoci DataCampu. Dozvěděl jsem se, že máme 20 nových ukrajinských studentů na naší škole. 

Jakub KormárekCS Teacher, SSPS

With a couple of emails, Mr. Kormárek enabled DataCamp to provide free data science education, certification, and collaboration to high school teachers in Czechia and their students aged 16 and up. We love that teachers like Mr. Kormárek (and David Fenwick in Australia before him) are utilizing their connections to provide us with the school data we need to transform how young people and educators can learn, teach, and apply data science. At DataCamp, we think globally and act locally. We have proven that one passionate person (usually a teacher) can revolutionize young people's access to critical, future-proof skills. 

If you are a high school teacher in Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Poland, the United Kingdom, or the United States, apply for your DataCamp Classroom today for six months of renewable, premium access for you and all of your students. University teachers from almost every country are also eligible for this offer.

And if you are the next Mr. Kormárek or Mr. Fenwick, we want to hear from you! Email us at telling us why you think high school teachers and students in your country deserve to get free data science education. We just need a list of all of your country’s secondary schools and their email domains for you to become a national hero and, more importantly, benefit thousands upon thousands of students to gain the skills and knowledge they need to hold down the best-paying jobs and most influential available today and tomorrow.

DataCamp Classrooms are always free for teachers and students!

The best way for teachers and students to become data literate is now available to high school teachers and students in Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Poland, the UK, and the USA!

Teachers, Apply Now!


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