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Absolute and Weighted Frequency of Words in Text

In this tutorial, you'll learn about absolute and weighted word frequency in text mining and how to calculate it with defaultdict and pandas DataFrames.
Apr 24, 2018  · 25 min read

An important set of metrics in text mining relates to the frequency of words (or any token) in a certain corpus of text documents. However, you can also use an additional set of metrics in cases where each document has an associated numeric value describing a certain attribute of the document.

Some examples:

  • Tweets and their respective number of engagements.
  • URLs and their pageviews and bounces.
  • Movie titles and their gross revenue.
  • Keywords and their impressions, clicks, and conversions.

In this tutorial,

  • You will first go through the process of creating a simple function that calculates and compares the absolute and weighted occurrence of words in a corpus of documents. This can sometimes uncover hidden trends and aggregates that aren't necessarily clear by looking at the top ten or so values. They can often be different from the absolute word frequency as well.
  • Then, you will see a real-life data set (movie titles and the gross revenue), and hope to discover hidden trends. A teaser: love will come up somehow!
  • You will be using Python as a programming language and use the collections module's defaultdict data structure for the heavy lifting, as well as pandas DataFrames to manage the final output.

Absolute and Weighted Word Frequency: Introduction

Let's assume that you have two tweets and that their content and number of impressions (views) are as follows:

Tweet Text Views
spain 800
france 200

It is simple to do the basic analysis and find out that your words are split 50:50 between 'france' and 'spain'. In many cases, this is all you have, and you can only measure the absolute frequency of words, and try to infer certain relationships. In this case, you have some data about each of the documents.

The weighed frequency here, is clearly different, and the split is 80:20. In other words, although 'spain' and 'france' both appeared once each in your tweets, from your readers' perspective, the former appeared 800 times, while the latter appeared 200 times. There's a big difference!

Simple Word Frequency using defaultdict

Now consider this slightly more involved example for a similar set of documents:

Document Views
france 200
spain 180
spain beaches 170
france beaches 160
spain best beaches 160

You now loop through the documents, split them into words, and count the occurrences of each of the words:

 from collections import defaultdict

import pandas as pd

text_list = ['france', 'spain', 'spain beaches', 'france beaches', 'spain best beaches']

word_freq = defaultdict(int)

for text in text_list:
    for word in text.split():
        word_freq[word] += 1

pd.DataFrame.from_dict(word_freq, orient='index') \
.sort_values(0, ascending=False) \
.rename(columns={0: 'abs_freq'})
spain 3
beaches 3
france 2
best 1

In the loop above, the first line loops through text_list one by one. The second line (within each document) loops through the words of each item, split by the space character (which could have been any other character ('-', ',', '_', etc.)).

When you try to assign a value to word_freq[word] there are two possible scenarios:

  1. The key word exists: in which case the assignment is done (adding one)
  2. The key word is not in word_freq, in this case defaultdict calls the default function that it was assigned to when it was first defined, which is int in this case.

When int is called it returns zero. Now the key exists, its value is zero, and it is ready to get assigned an additional 1 to its value.

Although the top word was 'france' in the first table, after counting all the words within each document we can see that 'spain' and 'beaches' are tied for the first position. This is important in uncovering hidden trends, especially when the list of documents you are dealing with, is in the tens, or hundreds, of thousands.

Weighted Word Frequency

Now that you have counted the occurences of each word in the corpus of documents, you want to see the weighted frequency. That is, you want to see how many times the words appeared to your readers, compared to how many times you used them.

In the first table, the absolute frequency of the words was split evenly between 'spain' and 'france', but 'spain' had clearly much more weight, because its value was 800, versus 200 or 'france'.

But what would be the weighted word frequency for the second, slightly more complex, table?

Let's find out!

You can re-use some of the code that you used above, but with some additions:

 # default value is now a list with two ints
word_freq = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0]) 

# the `views` column you had in the first DataFrame
num_list = [200, 180, 170, 160, 160]

# looping is now over both the text and the numbers
for text, num in zip(text_list, num_list): 
    for word in text.split(): 
        # same as before
        word_freq[word][0] += 1 
        # new line, incrementing the numeric value for each word
        word_freq[word][1] += num 

columns = {0: 'abs_freq', 1: 'wtd_freq'}

abs_wtd_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(word_freq, orient='index') \
             .rename(columns=columns) \
             .sort_values('wtd_freq', ascending=False) \
             .assign(rel_value=lambda df: df['wtd_freq'] / df['abs_freq']) \
            .round(), high=.7, subset=['rel_value'])
  abs_freq wtd_freq rel_value
spain 3 510 170
beaches 3 490 163
france 2 360 180
best 1 160 160

Some observations:

  • Although 'france' was the highest phrase overall, 'spain' and 'beaches' seem to be more prominent when you take the weighted frequency.
  • rel_value is a simple division to get the value per occurrence of each word.
  • Looking at rel_value, you also see that, even though 'france' is quite low on the wtd_freq metric, there seems to be potential in it, because the value per occurence is high. This might hint at increasing your content coverage of 'france' for example.

You might also like to add some other metrics that show the percentages and cumulative percenatages of each type of frequency so that you can get a better perspective on how many words form the bulk of the total, if any:

 abs_wtd_df.insert(1, 'abs_perc', value=abs_wtd_df['abs_freq'] / abs_wtd_df['abs_freq'].sum())
abs_wtd_df.insert(2, 'abs_perc_cum', abs_wtd_df['abs_perc'].cumsum())
abs_wtd_df.insert(4, 'wtd_freq_perc', abs_wtd_df['wtd_freq'] / abs_wtd_df['wtd_freq'].sum())
abs_wtd_df.insert(5, 'wtd_freq_perc_cum', abs_wtd_df['wtd_freq_perc'].cumsum()), high=0.8)
  abs_freq abs_perc abs_perc_cum wtd_freq wtd_freq_perc wtd_freq_perc_cum rel_value
spain 3 0.333333 0.333333 510 0.335526 0.335526 170
beaches 3 0.333333 0.666667 490 0.322368 0.657895 163
france 2 0.222222 0.888889 360 0.236842 0.894737 180
best 1 0.111111 1 160 0.105263 1 160

More can be analyzed, and with more data you would typically get more surprises.

So how might this look in a real-world setting with some real data?

You will take a look at movie titles, see which words are most used in the titles -which is the absolute frequency-, and which words are associated with the most revenue, or the weighted frequency.

Boxoffice Mojo has a list of more than 15,000 movies, together with their associated gross revenue and ranks. Start by scraping the data using requests and BeautifulSoup - You can already explore the Boxoffice Mojo here if you'd like:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 final_list = []

for i in range(1, 156):
    if not i%10:
    page = '' + str(i) + '&p=.htm'
    resp = requests.get(page)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'lxml')
    # trial and error to get the exact positions
    table_data = [x.text for x in'tr td')[11:511]]  
    # put every 5 values in a row
    temp_list = [table_data[i:i+5] for i in range(0, len(table_data[:-4]), 5)] 
    for temp in temp_list:
boxoffice_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(final_list)

  0 1 2 3 4
0 1 Star Wars: The Force Awakens BV $936,662,225 2015
1 2 Avatar Fox $760,507,625 2009^
2 3 Black Panther BV $681,084,109 2018
3 4 Titanic Par. $659,363,944 1997^
4 5 Jurassic World Uni. $652,270,625 2015
5 6 Marvel's The Avengers BV $623,357,910 2012
6 7 Star Wars: The Last Jedi BV $620,181,382 2017
7 8 The Dark Knight WB $534,858,444 2008^
8 9 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story BV $532,177,324 2016
9 10 Beauty and the Beast (2017) BV $504,014,165 2017
  0 1 2 3 4
15485 15486 The Dark Hours N/A $423 2005
15486 15487 2:22 Magn. $422 2017
15487 15488 State Park Atl $421 1988
15488 15489 The Magician (2010) Reg. $406 2010
15489 15490 Skinless PPF $400 2014
15490 15491 Cinemanovels Mont. $398 2014
15491 15492 Hannah: Buddhism's Untold Journey KL $396 2016
15492 15493 Apartment 143 Magn. $383 2012
15493 15494 The Marsh All. $336 2007
15494 15495 The Chambermaid FM $315 2015
15495 15496 News From Planet Mars KL $310 2016
15496 15497 Trojan War WB $309 1997
15497 15498 Lou! Journal infime Distrib. $287 2015
15498 15499 Intervention All. $279 2007
15499 15500 Playback Magn. $264 2012

You will see that some numeric values have some special characters, ($, , , and ^), and some values are actually N/A. So you need to change those:

na_year_idx =  [i for i, x in enumerate(final_list) if x[4] == 'n/a'] # get the indexes of the 'n/a' values
new_years = [1998, 1999, 1960, 1973]  # got them by checking online

print(*[(i, x) for i, x in enumerate(final_list) if i in na_year_idx], sep='\n')
print('new year values:', new_years)
(8003, ['8004', 'Warner Bros. 75th Anniversary Film Festival', 'WB', '$741,855', 'n/a'])
(8148, ['8149', 'Hum Aapke Dil Mein Rahte Hain', 'Eros', '$668,678', 'n/a'])
(8197, ['8198', 'Purple Moon (Re-issue)', 'Mira.', '$640,945', 'n/a'])
(10469, ['10470', 'Amarcord', 'Jan.', '$125,493', 'n/a'])
new year values: [1998, 1999, 1960, 1973]
for na_year, new_year in zip(na_year_idx, new_years):
    final_list[na_year][4] = new_year
    print(final_list[na_year], new_year)
['8004', 'Warner Bros. 75th Anniversary Film Festival', 'WB', '$741,855', 1998] 1998
['8149', 'Hum Aapke Dil Mein Rahte Hain', 'Eros', '$668,678', 1999] 1999
['8198', 'Purple Moon (Re-issue)', 'Mira.', '$640,945', 1960] 1960
['10470', 'Amarcord', 'Jan.', '$125,493', 1973] 1973

Now you turn the list into a pandas DataFrame by naming the columns with the appropriate names, and converting to the data types that you want.

 import re
regex = '|'.join(['\$', ',', '\^'])

columns = ['rank', 'title', 'studio', 'lifetime_gross', 'year']

boxoffice_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'rank': [int(x[0]) for x in final_list],  # convert ranks to integers
    'title': [x[1] for x in final_list],  # get titles as is
    'studio': [x[2] for x in final_list],  # get studio names as is
    'lifetime_gross': [int(re.sub(regex, '', x[3])) for x in final_list],  # remove special characters and convert to integer
    'year': [int(re.sub(regex, '', str(x[4]))) for x in final_list],  # remove special characters and convert to integer
print('rows:', boxoffice_df.shape[0])
print('columns:', boxoffice_df.shape[1])
print('\ndata types:')
rows: 15500
columns: 5

data types:
lifetime_gross     int64
rank               int64
studio            object
title             object
year               int64
dtype: object
  lifetime_gross rank studio title year
0 936662225 1 BV Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015
1 760507625 2 Fox Avatar 2009
2 681084109 3 BV Black Panther 2018
3 659363944 4 Par. Titanic 1997
4 652270625 5 Uni. Jurassic World 2015
5 623357910 6 BV Marvel's The Avengers 2012
6 620181382 7 BV Star Wars: The Last Jedi 2017
7 534858444 8 WB The Dark Knight 2008
8 532177324 9 BV Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016
9 504014165 10 BV Beauty and the Beast (2017) 2017
10 486295561 11 BV Finding Dory 2016
11 474544677 12 Fox Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1999
12 460998007 13 Fox Star Wars 1977
13 459005868 14 BV Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015
14 448139099 15 WB The Dark Knight Rises 2012

The word 'star' is one of the top, as it appears in five of the top fifteen movies, and you also know that the Star Wars series has even more movies, several of them in the top as well.

Let's now utilize the code you developed and see how it works on this data set. There's nothing new in the code below, you simply put it all in one function:

 def word_frequency(text_list, num_list, sep=None):
    word_freq = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])

    for text, num in zip(text_list, num_list):
        for word in text.split(sep=sep): 
            word_freq[word][0] += 1 
            word_freq[word][1] += num

    columns = {0: 'abs_freq', 1: 'wtd_freq'}

    abs_wtd_df = (pd.DataFrame.from_dict(word_freq, orient='index')
                 .rename(columns=columns )
                 .sort_values('wtd_freq', ascending=False)
                 .assign(rel_value=lambda df: df['wtd_freq'] / df['abs_freq']).round())

    abs_wtd_df.insert(1, 'abs_perc', value=abs_wtd_df['abs_freq'] / abs_wtd_df['abs_freq'].sum())
    abs_wtd_df.insert(2, 'abs_perc_cum', abs_wtd_df['abs_perc'].cumsum())
    abs_wtd_df.insert(4, 'wtd_freq_perc', abs_wtd_df['wtd_freq'] / abs_wtd_df['wtd_freq'].sum())
    abs_wtd_df.insert(5, 'wtd_freq_perc_cum', abs_wtd_df['wtd_freq_perc'].cumsum())

    return abs_wtd_df
word_frequency(boxoffice_df['title'], boxoffice_df['lifetime_gross']).head()
  abs_freq abs_perc abs_perc_cum wtd_freq wtd_freq_perc wtd_freq_perc_cum rel_value
The 3055 0.068747 0.068747 67518342498 0.081167 0.081167 22100930.0
the 1310 0.029479 0.098227 32973100860 0.039639 0.120806 25170306.0
of 1399 0.031482 0.129709 30180592467 0.036282 0.157087 21572975.0
and 545 0.012264 0.141973 12188113847 0.014652 0.171739 22363512.0
2 158 0.003556 0.145529 9032673058 0.010859 0.182598 57168817.0

Unsurprisingly, the 'stop words' are the top ones, which is pretty much the same for most collections of documents. You also have them duplicated, where some are capitalized and some are not. So you have two clear things to take care of:

  1. Remove all stop words: you can do this by adding a new parameter to the function, and supplying your own list of stop words.
  2. Handle all words in lower case to remove duplicates

Here is a simple update to the function (new rm_words parameter, as well as lines 6,7, and 8):

# words will be expanded
def word_frequency(text_list, num_list, sep=None, rm_words=('the', 'and', 'a')):  
    word_freq = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])

    for text, num in zip(text_list, num_list):
        for word in text.split(sep=sep): 
            # This should take care of ignoring the word if it's in the stop words
            if word.lower() in rm_words:  
            # .lower() makes sure we are not duplicating words
            word_freq[word.lower()][0] += 1  
            word_freq[word.lower()][1] += num

    columns = {0: 'abs_freq', 1: 'wtd_freq'}

    abs_wtd_df = (pd.DataFrame.from_dict(word_freq, orient='index')
                 .rename(columns=columns )
                 .sort_values('wtd_freq', ascending=False)
                 .assign(rel_value=lambda df: df['wtd_freq'] / df['abs_freq']).round())

    abs_wtd_df.insert(1, 'abs_perc', value=abs_wtd_df['abs_freq'] / abs_wtd_df['abs_freq'].sum())
    abs_wtd_df.insert(2, 'abs_perc_cum', abs_wtd_df['abs_perc'].cumsum())
    abs_wtd_df.insert(4, 'wtd_freq_perc', abs_wtd_df['wtd_freq'] / abs_wtd_df['wtd_freq'].sum())
    abs_wtd_df.insert(5, 'wtd_freq_perc_cum', abs_wtd_df['wtd_freq_perc'].cumsum())

    abs_wtd_df = abs_wtd_df.reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'word'})

    return abs_wtd_df
from collections import defaultdict
word_freq_df =  word_frequency(boxoffice_df['title'], 
                               rm_words=['of','in', 'to', 'and', 'a', 'the', 
                                         'for', 'on', '&', 'is', 'at', 'it',
                                         'from', 'with'])

word_freq_df.head(15)['abs_freq', 'wtd_freq', 'rel_value'],
                                               color='#60DDFF') # E6E9EB

  word abs_freq abs_perc abs_perc_cum wtd_freq wtd_freq_perc wtd_freq_perc_cum rel_value
0 2 158 0.00443945 0.00443945 9032673058 0.0137634 0.0137634 5.71688e+07
1 star 45 0.0012644 0.00570385 5374658819 0.00818953 0.0219529 1.19437e+08
2 man 195 0.00547907 0.0111829 3967037854 0.0060447 0.0279976 2.03438e+07
3 part 41 0.00115201 0.0123349 3262579777 0.00497129 0.0329689 7.95751e+07
4 movie 117 0.00328744 0.0156224 3216050557 0.00490039 0.0378693 2.74876e+07
5 3 63 0.00177016 0.0173925 3197591193 0.00487227 0.0427415 5.07554e+07
6 ii 67 0.00188255 0.0192751 3077712883 0.0046896 0.0474311 4.5936e+07
7 wars: 6 0.000168587 0.0194437 2757497155 0.00420168 0.0516328 4.59583e+08
8 last 133 0.003737 0.0231807 2670229651 0.00406871 0.0557015 2.00769e+07
9 harry 27 0.00075864 0.0239393 2611329714 0.00397896 0.0596805 9.67159e+07
10 me 140 0.00393369 0.027873 2459330128 0.00374736 0.0634279 1.75666e+07
11 potter 10 0.000280978 0.028154 2394811427 0.00364905 0.0670769 2.39481e+08
12 black 71 0.00199494 0.0301489 2372306467 0.00361476 0.0706917 3.34128e+07
13 - 49 0.00137679 0.0315257 2339484878 0.00356474 0.0742564 4.77446e+07
14 story 107 0.00300646 0.0345322 2231437526 0.00340011 0.0776565 2.08546e+07

Let's take a look at the same DataFrame sorted based on abs_freq:

(word_freq_df.sort_values('abs_freq', ascending=False)
 .head(15)['abs_freq', 'wtd_freq', 'rel_value'],

  word abs_freq abs_perc abs_perc_cum wtd_freq wtd_freq_perc wtd_freq_perc_cum rel_value
26 love 211 0.00592863 0.069542 1604206885 0.00244438 0.111399 7.60288e+06
2 man 195 0.00547907 0.0111829 3967037854 0.0060447 0.0279976 2.03438e+07
24 my 191 0.00536668 0.0618994 1629540498 0.00248298 0.106478 8.53163e+06
15 i 168 0.00472043 0.0392526 2203439786 0.00335745 0.081014 1.31157e+07
0 2 158 0.00443945 0.00443945 9032673058 0.0137634 0.0137634 5.71688e+07
10 me 140 0.00393369 0.027873 2459330128 0.00374736 0.0634279 1.75666e+07
31 life 134 0.0037651 0.0764822 1534647732 0.00233839 0.123297 1.14526e+07
8 last 133 0.003737 0.0231807 2670229651 0.00406871 0.0557015 2.00769e+07
23 you 126 0.00354032 0.0565327 1713758853 0.00261131 0.103995 1.36013e+07
4 movie 117 0.00328744 0.0156224 3216050557 0.00490039 0.0378693 2.74876e+07
14 story 107 0.00300646 0.0345322 2231437526 0.00340011 0.0776565 2.08546e+07
33 night 104 0.00292217 0.0814555 1523917360 0.00232204 0.127946 1.46531e+07
19 american 93 0.00261309 0.0478505 1868854192 0.00284763 0.0932591 2.00952e+07
117 girl 90 0.0025288 0.151644 842771661 0.00128416 0.26663 9.36413e+06
16 day 87 0.00244451 0.0416971 2164198760 0.00329766 0.0843116 2.48758e+07

Now let's visualize to compare both and see the hidden trends:

 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)

word_freq_df_abs = word_freq_df.sort_values('abs_freq', ascending=False).reset_index()

         list(reversed(word_freq_df_abs['abs_freq'][:20])), color='#288FB7')
for i, word in enumerate(word_freq_df_abs['word'][:20]):
    plt.text(word_freq_df_abs['abs_freq'][i], 20-i-1, 
             s=str(i+1) + '. ' + word + ': '  + str(word_freq_df_abs['abs_freq'][i]),
             ha='right', va='center', fontsize=14, color='white', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(0.4, -1.1, s='Number of times the word was used in a movie title; out of 15500 movies.', fontsize=14)
plt.text(0.4, -1.8, s='Data: Apr. 2018.   Feedback: @eliasdabbas', fontsize=14)

plt.vlines(range(0, 210, 10), -1, 20, colors='gray', alpha=0.1)
plt.hlines(range(0, 20, 2), 0, 210, colors='gray', alpha=0.1)
plt.title('Words Most Used in Movie Titles', fontsize=22, fontweight='bold')

# =============
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
# plt.axis('off')
         list(reversed(word_freq_df['wtd_freq'][:20])), color='#288FB7')
for i, word in enumerate(word_freq_df['word'][:20]):
    plt.text(word_freq_df['wtd_freq'][i], 20-i-1, 
             s=str(i+1) + '. ' + word + ': ' + '$' + str(round(word_freq_df['wtd_freq'][i] / 1000_000_000, 2)) + 'b',
             ha='right', va='center', fontsize=14, color='white', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(0.4, -1.1, s='Alltime boxoffice revenue of all movies whos title contained the word. (Top word is "2") ', fontsize=14)
plt.text(0.4, -1.8, s='Data collection & methodology:', fontsize=14)

plt.vlines(range(0, 9_500_000_000, 500_000_000), -1, 20, colors='gray', alpha=0.1)
plt.hlines(range(0, 20, 2), 0, 10_000_000_000, colors='gray', alpha=0.1)
plt.xlim((-70_000_000, 9_500_000_000))
plt.title('Words Most Associated With Boxoffice Revenue', fontsize=22, fontweight='bold')

words most box office data

It seems that in the minds of producers and writers at least, love does conquer all! It is the most used word in all of the movie titles. It is not that high when it comes to weighted frequency (box-office revenue), though.

In other words, if you look at all the titles of movies, the word 'love' would be the one you would most find. But estimating which word appeared the most in the eyes of the viewers (using gross revenue as a metric), then '2', 'star', and 'man' would be the most viewed, or associated with the most revenue.

Just to be clear: these are very simple calculations. When you say that the weighted frequency of the word 'love' is 1,604,106,767, it simply means that the sum of the lifetime gross of all movies who's title included the word 'love' was that amount.

It's also interesting that '2' is the top word. Obviously, it is not a word, but it's an indication that the second parts of movie series amount to a very large sum. So is '3', which is in the fifth position. Note that 'part' and 'ii' are also in the top ten, confirming the same fact.

'American', and 'movie', have high relative value.

A quick note on the stop words used in this function

Usually, you would supply a more comprehensive list of stop words than the one here, especially if you are dealing with articles, or social media posts. For example the nltk package provides lists of stop words in several languages, and these can be downloaded and used.

The words here were chosen after a few checks on the top movies. Many of these are usually considered stop words, but in the case of movie titles, it made sense to keep some of them as they might give some insight. For example, the words 'I', 'me', 'you' might hint at some social dynamics. Another reason is that movie titles are very short phrases, and we are trying to make as much sense as we can from them.

You can definitely try it with your own set of words, and see slightly different results.

Looking back at the original list of movie titles, we see that some of the top words don't even appear in the top ten, and this is exactly the kind of insight that we are trying to uncover by using this approach.

  lifetime_gross rank studio title year
0 936662225 1 BV Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015
1 760507625 2 Fox Avatar 2009
2 681084109 3 BV Black Panther 2018
3 659363944 4 Par. Titanic 1997
4 652270625 5 Uni. Jurassic World 2015
5 623357910 6 BV Marvel's The Avengers 2012
6 620181382 7 BV Star Wars: The Last Jedi 2017
7 534858444 8 WB The Dark Knight 2008
8 532177324 9 BV Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016
9 504014165 10 BV Beauty and the Beast (2017) 2017

Next, I think it would make sense to further explore the top words that are interesting. Let's filter the movies that contain '2' and see:

              .contains('2 | 2', case=False)] # spaces used to exclude words like '2010'
  lifetime_gross rank studio title year
15 441226247 16 DW Shrek 2 2004
30 389813101 31 BV Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 2017
31 381011219 32 WB Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 2011
35 373585825 36 Sony Spider-Man 2 2004
38 368061265 39 Uni. Despicable Me 2 2013
64 312433331 65 Par. Iron Man 2 2010
79 292324737 80 LG/S The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 2012
87 281723902 88 LGF The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 2015
117 245852179 118 BV Toy Story 2 1999
146 226164286 147 NL Rush Hour 2 2001

Let's also take a peek at the top 'star' movies:

boxoffice_df[boxoffice_df['title'].str.contains('star | star', case=False)].head(10)
  lifetime_gross rank studio title year
0 936662225 1 BV Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015
6 620181382 7 BV Star Wars: The Last Jedi 2017
8 532177324 9 BV Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016
11 474544677 12 Fox Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1999
12 460998007 13 Fox Star Wars 1977
33 380270577 34 Fox Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005
65 310676740 66 Fox Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 2002
105 257730019 106 Par. Star Trek 2009
140 228778661 141 Par. Star Trek Into Darkness 2013
301 158848340 302 Par. Star Trek Beyond 2016

And, lastly, the top 'man' movies:

boxoffice_df[boxoffice_df['title'].str.contains('man | man', case=False)].head(10)
  lifetime_gross rank studio title year
18 423315812 19 BV Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 2006
22 409013994 23 BV Iron Man 3 2013
35 373585825 36 Sony Spider-Man 2 2004
48 336530303 49 Sony Spider-Man 3 2007
53 330360194 54 WB Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016
59 318412101 60 Par. Iron Man 2008
64 312433331 65 Par. Iron Man 2 2010
82 291045518 83 WB Man of Steel 2013
176 206852432 177 WB Batman Begins 2005
182 202853933 183 Sony The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014

Next Steps and Improvements

As a first step, you might try to get more words: movie titles are extremely short and many times don't convey the literal meaning of the words. For example, a godfather is supposed to be a person who whitnesses a child's christening, and promises to take care of that child (or maybe a mafioso who kills for pleasure?!).

A further exercise might be to get more detailed descriptions, in addition to the movie title. For example:

"A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers."

tells us much more about the movie, than 'The Matrix'.

Alternatively, you could also take one of the below paths to enrich your analysis:

  • Better statistical analysis: handling extreme values / outliers, using other metrics.
  • Text mining: grouping similar words and topics together ('happy', 'happiness', 'happily', etc.)
  • Granlular analysis: running the same function for different years / decades, or for certain production studios.

You might be interested in exploring the data yourself as well as other data:

Ok, so now you have explored the counts of words in movie titles, and seen the difference between the absolute and weighted frequencies, and how letting one out might miss a big part of the picture. You have also seen the limitations of this approach, and have some suggestions on how to improve your analysis.

You went through the process of creating a special function that you can run easily to analyze any similar text data set with numbers, and know how this can improve your understanding of this kind of data set.

Try it out by analyzing your tweets' performance, your website's URLs, your Facebook posts, or any other similar data set you might come across.

It might be easier to just clone the repository with the code and try for yourself.

The word_frequency function is part of the advertools package, which you can download and try using in your work / research.

Check it out and let me know! @eliasdabbas

Take a look at DataCamp's Python Dictionaries Tutorial to learn how to create word frequency, and Web Scraping & NLP in Python tutorial to learn how to plot word frequency distributions.


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