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Announcing our partnership with Degreed!

DataCamp is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Degreed to offer free data literacy training to organizations, regardless of whether they already have a DataCamp subscription or not.
Aug 10, 2021  · 3 min read

DataCamp is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Degreed to offer free data literacy training to organizations, regardless of whether they already have a DataCamp subscription or not.

Who is Degreed?

Used by a third of Fortune 50 companies, Degreed is a workforce upskilling platform that connects all your learning, talent development, and internal mobility opportunities to intelligence on the skills your business needs next. Degreed personalizes what is offered to learners by recommending training based on the learner’s strengths, career aspirations, and the skills that businesses require in the modern day.

About the courses on offer

The three courses we are offering through Degreed are as follows: Understanding Data Science, Understanding Machine Learning, and Understanding Data Engineering. These do not require any previous experience or knowledge of data science and involve no coding, so they are an excellent way to begin your move towards organization-wide data fluency.

  • Understanding Data Science is where we always recommend people begin if they are new to our site and data science in general, as it explains the fundamentals of data science and the different roles within this field.

  • Understanding Data Engineering hones in on one of these fields, one that has seen particularly explosive demand in recent years. Discover how data engineers lay the groundwork that makes data science possible.

  • Understanding Machine Learning is where you’ll learn everything you’ve been too afraid to ask about machine learning and introduces you to the hot topic of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

By the end of these three courses, your employees will have an understanding of core data science concepts and will be able to have more informed conversations with colleagues who are specialized in these areas.

Why have we partnered?

Our partnership can be explained in three words: a shared mission. DataCamp’s focus has always been on data science and its democratization, and that of Degreed is on offering the most current, best-quality learning experiences. As data science improves everyday life more and more, we saw an opportunity to help businesses overcome the data skills gap, by combining DataCamp's hands-on approach to learning and Degreed's 10+ years of supporting career growth and business opportunities within their upskilling platform.

Needless to say, we’re looking forward to this!

Interested in learning more? Get in touch to learn how you can unlock access to our free data literacy courses and have your questions answered.



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