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DataCamp Donates Digest Q1 2022

DataCamp Donates very first digest of 2022 shows strong results thanks to an acceleration in the number of partners joining our program. This quarter, we broke records and we hope to reach for even higher achievements for the remainder of the year.
May 26, 2022  · 7 min read

The beginning of the year has been an excellent opportunity to accelerate the DataCamp Donates initiative. Indeed, the world slowly started recovering from COVID, and nonprofits needed additional support to best equip their staff and members for the future. Additionally, new international tensions emerged, and DataCamp Donates looked to support new partners directly involved in global humanitarian relief.

New Partners and Licenses: breaking records

In Q1 2022, we onboarded 32 organizations, the highest number of partner organizations ever to join DataCamp Donates in a single quarter. 

We proudly welcomed 29 new faces and four returning partners: 

  • Summing to a total of 4500+ licenses
  • Representing a 74% increase in the number of licenses given vs. Q4 2021.
Returning partners
New Partners
180 Degrees Consulting AFT Leuven Brasil Cursinhos
CODE CLUB @ VCE Code Kevudah DataPoint Armenia
FAST Data Science Society Fred Brandon Flames Foundation Gaari Talent
GBIF Gal College GDSC FAST Nuces
GDSC TUP Manila Haitian Education & Leadership Program Het Beginstation
Harvard Square Data Analytics Group Inspiring Generation and Humanity Support Foundation Africa IT STEP Cambodia
The Korean Federation of Science Culture and Education Societies Mums Who Code Community PyData Nairobi

What They Have to Say About Us: the art of giving


We are proud to Partner with GBIF, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, to help their members become data experts. An organization funded by governments worldwide aimed at providing easy and open access to data about all types of life on Earth. Their mission has been remarkably more relevant each year, with more observable global warming consequences.


Sushiksha empowers Konkani students when starting their careers. The Konkani people are an ethnolinguistic minority community in India. We are excited to help their community succeed, allowing them to ultimately bring more visibility to their culture in their country and worldwide.

Gaari Talent

Gaari Talent empowers women in Somalia with data science skills to integrate them into the country’s workforce and help them break through the employment glass ceiling. Somalian women are seven times less likely to be employed full-time than Somalian men. They only represent 31% of the workforce in Somalia, compared to the average of 45% for women in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. Gaari Talent provides hundreds of Data Fellowships to Somalian women thanks to DataCamp and also partners with OXFAM to give free computers to these women.


Re:coded started in 2016 after millions of Iraqis were displaced in refugee camps because of the rise of ISIS. They organized a coding Bootcamp to train the Iraqi population and increase their employability in their hosting country. Today, they expanded to Yemen and Turkey, and 95% of their members find a job after going through their data science program. DataCamp is honored to partner for a 2nd year with Re:coded to help them support hundreds of alumni worldwide. 

International Expansion: saying “Hi!” to 3 new countries

DataCamp Donates spreads its roots as widely as possible as data science challenges are now even more relevant all over the globe, given that we should commit to serving every nation equally. In Q1 2022, we welcomed organizations from 22 different countries, and the Donates program set foot for the first in 3 new countries: Somalia, Costa Rica, and Armenia.

DataCamp Donates is now present in more than 90 countries.

What’s to come? Taking DataCamp Donates’ impact to the next level in Q2

Support for Ukrainian refugees

Since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the Social Impact team at DataCamp has been redoubling its efforts to partner with the key organizations providing direct support to Ukrainian refugees.

We are happy to partner with Direct Relief, one of the world's leading humanitarian aid relief organizations. To this day, Direct Relief has provided over $200 million of medical and essential supplies to Ukrainian refugees. DataCamp will allow Direct Relief’s team to enable improved accurate and effective forms of relief and response.

We will not stop there. We have entered into partnerships with other nonprofits that should welcome Ukrainian refugees, such as Niya and PowerCoders, as well as other private efforts from teachers in Europe. Additionally, since Poland welcomes the most considerable portion of Ukrainian refugees, we prioritized expanding DataCamp for Classrooms to all secondary schools in Poland and are proud to announce that since May 8, 2022, all Polish teachers and students in high schools and universities can access DataCamp for free.

Applications Extended to May 31, 2022

DataCamp Donates application deadline for Q2 is extended to May 31, 2022! Nonprofits the world over are eligible to receive free access to DataCamp. Become local heroes pioneering data literacy for all and join a global community of DataCamp Donates partners such as Direct Relief, CDP, Syrian Youth Assembly, Right to Care, Women in Data, Haitian Education & Leadership Program, and many more.

Apply now here:, or contact us at so we can assist you and answer any questions you may have.

“Data analysis lies at the heart of what makes Direct Relief able to scale assistance to the most vulnerable. As the field of data science continues to change rapidly we’re looking forward to using DataCamp with members of our staff, interns, and partners to expand data literacy and improve the questions and answers which enable accurate and effective forms of relief and response.”

Andrew SchroederVP of Research and Analysis at Direct Relief
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