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AI Tutorials

Keep up to date with the latest techniques, tools, and research in artificial intelligence. Out AI tutorials will walk you though challenging machine learning models.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Fine-Tuning OpenAI's GPT-4: A Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step tutorial offers an in-depth exploration of how to harness the full capabilities of GPT-4, enhancing its performance for specialized tasks through fine-tuning.

Moez Ali

March 14, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Hugging Face's Text Generation Inference Toolkit for LLMs - A Game Changer in AI

A comprehensive guide to Hugging Face Text Generation Inference for self-hosting large language models on local devices.
Josep Ferrer's photo

Josep Ferrer

March 14, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Getting Started with Claude 3 and the Claude 3 API

Learn about the Claude 3 models, detailed performance benchmarks, and how to access them. Additionally, discover the new Claude 3 Python API for generating text, accessing vision capabilities, and streaming.
Abid Ali Awan's photo

Abid Ali Awan

March 13, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Deep Learning (DL) vs Machine Learning (ML): A Comparative Guide

In this tutorial, you'll get an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and take a closer look in what makes Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning different.
Matt Crabtree's photo

Matt Crabtree

February 29, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Semantic Search with Pinecone and OpenAI

A step-by-step guide to building semantic search applications using OpenAI and Pinecone in Python.
Moez Ali's photo

Moez Ali

February 28, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Building Intelligent Applications with Pinecone Canopy: A Beginner's Guide

Explore using Canopy as an open-source Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) framework and context built on top of the Pinecone vector database.
Kurtis Pykes 's photo

Kurtis Pykes

February 23, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

An Introduction to Debugging And Testing LLMs in LangSmith

Discover how LangSmith optimizes LLM testing and debugging for AI applications. Enhance quality assurance and streamline development with real-world examples.
Bex Tuychiev's photo

Bex Tuychiev

February 16, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Salesforce XGen-7B: A Step-by-Step Tutorial on Using And Fine-Tuning XGen-7B

Most open-source LLMs have one huge drawback - short context length. Since context length is essentially the “memory” of LLMs, this issue needs to be addressed urgently. That’s exactly what Salesforce XGen 7B LLM does - provide an impressive 8k context length. This article is a tutorial on how to use and fine-tune it.
Bex Tuychiev's photo

Bex Tuychiev

February 15, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

An Introductory Guide to Fine-Tuning LLMs

Fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP), offering unprecedented capabilities in tasks like language translation, sentiment analysis, and text generation. This transformative approach leverages pre-trained models like GPT-2, enhancing their performance on specific domains through the fine-tuning process.
Josep Ferrer's photo

Josep Ferrer

February 14, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

How to Build LLM Applications with LangChain Tutorial

Explore the untapped potential of Large Language Models with LangChain, an open-source Python framework for building advanced AI applications.
Moez Ali's photo

Moez Ali

February 13, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

An Introduction to LMQL: The Bridge Between SQL and Large Language Models

Discover everything you need to know about LMQL, short for Language Models Query Language, an innovative programming language for LLMs.
Kurtis Pykes 's photo

Kurtis Pykes

February 8, 2024