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R Programming Tutorial

In our R tutorials, you'll find helpful tips and use cases to grow your programming skills. We'll keep you up to date with the latest techniques.
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How to Execute Python/R in SQL

After reading this tutorial, you'll know how to embed R & Python scripts in T-SQL statements & know what data types are used to pass data between SQL & Python/R.

Kyle Weller

July 30, 2018

R Programming

Long to Wide Data in R

Learn why you would transform your data from a long to a wide format and vice versa and explore how to do this in R with melt() and dcast()!
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

May 8, 2018

R Programming

GFLASSO: Graph-Guided Fused LASSO in R

Explore graph-structured multi-task regression with the GFLASSO R package with this tutorial!
Francisco Lima's photo

Francisco Lima

April 26, 2018

R Programming

Network Analysis in R: Centrality Measures

Explore the definition of centrality, learn what different types of centrality measures exist in network analysis and pick the best one for a given network!
Minoo Ashtiani's photo

Minoo Ashtiani

April 17, 2018

R Programming

Getting Started with the Tidyverse: Tutorial

Start analyzing titanic data with R and the tidyverse: learn how to filter, arrange, summarise, mutate and visualize your data with dplyr and ggplot2!
Hugo Bowne-Anderson's photo

Hugo Bowne-Anderson

April 10, 2018

R Programming

Tidy Sentiment Analysis in R

Learn how to perform tidy sentiment analysis in R on Prince's songs, sentiment over time, song level sentiment, the impact of bigrams, and much more!
Debbie Liske's photo

Debbie Liske

March 29, 2018

R Programming

Feature Selection in R with the Boruta R Package

Tackle feature selection in R: explore the Boruta algorithm, a wrapper built around the Random Forest classification algorithm, and its implementation!
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

March 7, 2018

R Programming

Web Scraping in R: rvest Tutorial

Explore web scraping in R with rvest with a real-life project: extract, preprocess and analyze Trustpilot reviews with tidyverse and tidyquant, and much more!
Arvid Kingl's photo

Arvid Kingl

February 27, 2018