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R Programming Articles

In our R blog, we share practical tips, use cases, & free resources to grow your programming skills. We'll keep you up to date with the latest techniques & news.
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R Programming

What can you do with R?

Ever wondered what you can do when you master R? We explore five potential uses for this versatile programming language. Start your journey to mastery now.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

July 18, 2022

R Programming

The Top 8 R Project Ideas for 2024

Discover what R is and all the benefits for using it while giving examples and new ideas for a project.
Elena Kosourova's photo

Elena Kosourova

June 7, 2024

Data Science

[Infographic] Data & Machine Learning Tools Landscape

2022 has seen the proliferation and evolution of data and AI tools. This infographic will provide an overview of the Data and Machine Learning tools landscape.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

July 7, 2022

Data Visualization

Best Practices for Designing Dashboards

In this article, we'll share best practices for designing dashboards that are both aesthetic and functional, and share lists of tools to get you started with dashboarding today.
Anuj Syal's photo

Anuj Syal

April 8, 2022

R Programming

What is R? - An Introduction to The Statistical Computing Powerhouse

Learn everything you need to know about the R programming language and discover why it is the most widely used language in data science.
Summer Worsley's photo

Summer Worsley

October 17, 2023

R Programming

Scaling Blended Learning at Bloomberg

Sheil Naik, Global Data Technical Trainer at Bloomberg, explains how organizations can use a blended learning program to scale data upskilling and measure behavioral change of training initiatives.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

November 13, 2020

R Programming

Using DataCamp's Autograder to Teach R

Learn how DataCamp's autograder is helping to teach R, and how to put testwhat functions to work.
Filip Schouwenaars's photo

Filip Schouwenaars

June 22, 2018

R Programming

R Correlation Tutorial

Get introduced to the basics of correlation in R: learn more about correlation coefficients, correlation matrices, plotting correlations, etc.
David Woods's photo

David Woods

March 20, 2017

R Programming

RDocumentation: Scoring and Ranking

Learn more on how the search results on RDocumentation are generated!
Ludovic Vannoorenberghe's photo

Ludovic Vannoorenberghe

March 10, 2017