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Machine Learning Tutorial

Get insights & best practices into AI & machine learning, upskill, and build data cultures. Learn how to get the most out of machine learning models with our tutorials.
Machine Learning

Machine Learning and NLP using R: Topic Modeling and Music Classification

In this tutorial, you will build four models using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and K-Means clustering machine learning algorithms.

Debbie Liske

June 21, 2018


Absolute and Weighted Frequency of Words in Text

In this tutorial, you'll learn about absolute and weighted word frequency in text mining and how to calculate it with defaultdict and pandas DataFrames.
Elias Dabbas's photo

Elias Dabbas

April 24, 2018

Machine Learning

A Beginner's Guide to Object Detection

Explore the key concepts in object detection and learn how they are implemented in SSD and Faster RCNN, which are available in the Tensorflow Detection API.
Lars Hulstaert's photo

Lars Hulstaert

April 19, 2018

Machine Learning

From Local Machine to Dask Cluster with Terraform

Learn how you can take local code that does grid search with the Scikit-Learn package to a cluster of AWS (EC2) nodes with Terraform.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

March 8, 2018

Machine Learning

Ensemble Learning in R with SuperLearner

Boost your machine learning results and discover ensembles in R with the SuperLearner package: learn about the Random Forest algorithm, bagging, and much more!
Daniel Gremmell's photo

Daniel Gremmell

February 20, 2018

Machine Learning

Active Learning: Curious AI Algorithms

Discover active learning, a case of semi-supervised machine learning: from its definition and its benefits, to applications and modern research into it.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

February 9, 2018

Machine Learning

Finding Similar Names with Matrix Factorization

Applying matrix factorization on user clicks on hundreds of names on the recommender system reveal an unseen structure in our first names.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

February 2, 2018