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Data Science Tutorials

Develop your data science skills with tutorials in our blog. We cover everything from intricate data visualizations in Tableau to version control features in Git.
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Joins in SQL Tutorial

This tutorial will explain how to join tables together using primary and foreign keys in an SQL Server.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

October 23, 2020

Data Science

Getting Started with JupyterLab Tutorial

In this article, we will introduce you to JupyterLab, one of the most popular IDE for data science.
Javier Canales Luna's photo

Javier Canales Luna

March 31, 2023


SQL Database Overview Tutorial

In this tutorial, you'll learn about databases in SQL.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

October 23, 2020


Python Classes Tutorial

In Python, everything is an object. Numbers, strings, DataFrames, even functions are objects. In particular, everything you deal with in Python has a class, a blueprint associated with it under the hood.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

October 23, 2020


Python String format() Tutorial

Learn about string formatting in Python.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

October 23, 2020


Insert Into SQL Tutorial

SQL's "INSERT INTO" statement can be used to add rows of data to a table in the database.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

October 23, 2020


Pandas Sort Values: A Complete How-To

Use sort_values() to reorder rows by column values. Apply sort_index() to rearrange rows by the DataFrame’s index. Combine both methods to explore your data from different angles.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

December 21, 2024


Box Plot in R Tutorial

Learn about box plots in R, including what they are, when you should use them, how to implement them, and how they differ from histograms.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

September 25, 2020


Pandas Drop Duplicates Tutorial

Learn how to drop duplicates in Python using pandas.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

September 25, 2020


Graphics with ggplot2 Tutorial

Data visualization is an essential skill for data scientists. It combines statistics and design in meaningful and appropriate ways.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

September 25, 2020


Pandas Add Column Tutorial

You are never stuck with just the data you are given. Instead, you can add new columns to a DataFrame.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

September 18, 2020