Q3 2022 DataCamp Classrooms Roundup
I obtained the list of secondary schools' private email domains from the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports and forwarded it to the DataCamp team. Now I am looking forward to the next school year with help of DataCamp.
Jakub Kormárek, Computer Science Teacher, SSPS
DataCamp's courses provide me with the skills I need to deliver the topic of data science in the classroom confidently. As a result, my students will experience data science in a way that will enable them to transition more easily into the industry.
David Fenwick, Teacher & Head of eLearning, Saint Paul's School
There’s lots of good feedback from job interviews… Often it’s the case that what they ask is something that [students] trained for on DataCamp. So that’s really cool.
Marcus Birkenkrahe, Associate Professor of Data Science, Lyon College
DataCamp Donates and Classrooms are such great programs. The team has already come so far in such a short space of time to reach thousands of people across the world. I’m super excited to be here and we have some really exciting plans for 2023!
Oli Dewhurst, VP of Growth, DataCamp
2022-2023 DataCamp Classrooms Annual Report
Nathaniel Taylor-Leach
8 min
Reflecting on Another Year of Social Impact: DataCamp Classrooms 2023-2024 Annual Report
Mafer Bencomo
DataCamp Classrooms Annual Report 2022
Nathaniel Taylor-Leach
8 min
DataCamp Donates Digest Q3 2022
Nathaniel Taylor-Leach
8 min
DataCampers Volunteer: Q3 2022
Nathaniel Taylor-Leach
4 min
Q2 2023 DataCamp Donates Digest
Nathaniel Taylor-Leach