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Data Science Tutorials

Develop your data science skills with tutorials in our blog. We cover everything from intricate data visualizations in Tableau to version control features in Git.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

GPTCache Tutorial: Enhancing Efficiency in LLM Applications

Learn how GPTCache retrieves cached results instead of generating new responses from scratch.
Laiba Siddiqui's photo

Laiba Siddiqui

March 26, 2024


How to Calculate Percentiles in Excel

In this tutorial, we'll explore what percentiles are, what they are used for, the ways of calculating them in Excel, simple examples of such calculations, and possible errors to be aware of when computing percentiles in Excel.
Elena Kosourova's photo

Elena Kosourova

March 21, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Fine Tuning Google Gemma: Enhancing LLMs with Customized Instructions

Learn how to run inference on GPUs/TPUs and fine-tune the latest Gemma 7b-it model on a role-play dataset.
Abid Ali Awan's photo

Abid Ali Awan

March 21, 2024

Machine Learning

A Beginner's Guide to Azure Machine Learning

Explore Azure Machine Learning in our beginner's guide to setting up, deploying models, and leveraging AutoML & ML Studio in the Azure ecosystem.
Moez Ali's photo

Moez Ali

March 21, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Hugging Face Image Classification: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples

Master image classification using Hugging Face with a step-by-step guide on training and deploying models in AI and computer vision.
Zoumana Keita 's photo

Zoumana Keita

March 18, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Exploring Text-Embedding-3-Large: A Comprehensive Guide to the new OpenAI Embeddings

Explore OpenAI's text-embedding-3-large and -small models in our guide to enhancing NLP tasks with cutting-edge AI embeddings for developers and researchers.
Zoumana Keita 's photo

Zoumana Keita

March 15, 2024


A Beginner’s Guide to Data Cleaning in Python

Explore the principles of data cleaning in Python and discover the importance of preparing your data for analysis by addressing common issues such as missing values, outliers, duplicates, and inconsistencies.
Amberle McKee's photo

Amberle McKee

March 15, 2024