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Data Analysis Tutorials

Get insights on the latest tools & methods that you can use to analyze your data more effectively. Our data analysis tutorials will help you develop your skills.
R Programming

Sorting in R using order() Tutorial

In this tutorial, you'll learn about sorting using order(). We will cover how to sort vectors using different parameters, sorting dataframes, and more.

Olivia Smith

August 29, 2020

Aditya Sharma

June 15, 2020


Python Functions Tutorial

A tutorial on functions in Python that covers how to write functions, how to call them, and more!
Karlijn Willems's photo

Karlijn Willems

January 2, 2020


Probability Distributions in Python Tutorial

In this tutorial, you'll learn about and how to code in Python the probability distributions commonly referenced in machine learning literature.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

December 30, 2019


Understanding Logistic Regression in Python Tutorial

Learn about Logistic Regression, its basic properties, and build a machine learning model on a real-world application in Python.
Avinash Navlani's photo

Avinash Navlani

December 16, 2019


Python Numpy Array Tutorial

A NumPy tutorial for beginners in which you'll learn how to create a NumPy array, use broadcasting, access values, manipulate arrays, and much more.
Karlijn Willems's photo

Karlijn Willems

February 28, 2023


How to Use Jupyter Notebooks: The Ultimate Guide

This article covers what Notebooks are and why you should use them. We also delve into hosted notebooks, which facilitate sharing and collaboration. This article also covers tips, tricks, and keyboard shortcuts.
Adam Shafi's photo

Adam Shafi

March 10, 2023


Generating WordClouds in Python Tutorial

Learn how to perform Exploratory Data Analysis for Natural Language Processing using WordCloud in Python.
Duong Vu's photo

Duong Vu

February 23, 2023


For Loops in Python Tutorial

Learn how to implement For Loops in Python for iterating a sequence, or the rows and columns of a pandas dataframe.
Aditya Sharma's photo

Aditya Sharma

July 19, 2019


Quadrant Analysis in Tableau

Learn how to analyze data in the form of a dynamic quadrant chart in Tableau.
Parul Pandey's photo

Parul Pandey

June 24, 2019


Moving Averages in pandas

Learn how you can capture trends and make sense out of time series data with the help of a moving or rolling average.
Aditya Sharma's photo

Aditya Sharma

June 24, 2019