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Case Study: Mortgage Trading Analysis in Power BI

Actualizado 2/2025
In this Power BI case study you’ll play the role of a junior trader, analyzing mortgage trading and enhancing your data modeling and financial analysis skills.
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Power BIApplied Finance3 horas5 vídeos23 ejercicios2,000 XPCertificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

Explore the Financial System with Power BI

In this Power BI case study, you will play the part of a newly hired junior trader on a trading desk for a mortgage originator. Enjoy this fast-paced and challenging case study as you learn the ins and outs of the financial system.

Play the Role of a Junior Trader

The flow of money through our economy happens on your desk as it trickles down from big investment banks to your lending firm to individual borrowers – and you’re the one making it happen.

Use Your Power BI Skills to Gain Insights

You will identify a population of mortgages to trade, evaluate each mortgage and each bid received from prospective buyers, and finally execute a trade. By the end of this case study, you will have sharpened your data modeling, DAX, and financial analysis skills, and you will have experienced a unique perspective on the banking industry.


Intermediate DAX in Power BIData Transformation in Power BI

Mortgage data

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Trade Profit Analysis

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Case Study: Mortgage Trading Analysis in Power BI

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