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Building Dashboards with shinydashboard

Actualizado 2/2025
Learn to create interactive dashboards with R using the powerful shinydashboard package. Create dynamic and engaging visualizations for your audience.
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RReporting4 horas15 vídeos51 ejercicios4,100 XP2,746Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

Learn to create an interactive dashboard using the shinydashboard package in R. Whether you need to provide a client with information, create a data analysis report, or keep track of the performance of a personal project, shinydashboard can help you create something impactful. Learn the essentials of this powerful package today.

Understand How to Use Dashboards

While reports can provide you with a snapshot of a situation, a dashboard is not only dynamic, meaning that data can be updated in real time but also interactive. This makes for a more immersive experience for your audience.

Learn To Use shinydashboard

In this course, you will learn how to use shinydashboard in R to create a dynamic and interactive dashboard. You will cover the ins and outs of shinydashboard and learn about good UI/UX practices.

Build an Interactive Dashboard

You will first build a shinyApp and then graduate to building a shinydashboard. Then, you learn how to include interactive elements with hover-over effects.

Finally, you will explore how to tweak your design elements of a shinydashboard using CSS code and more. You will be given the opportunity to practice these concepts using various datasets in the context of four different scenarios.

Upon completing this course, you will be better equipped to create tailor-made dashboards for any purpose using shinydashboard.


Intermediate RIntroduction to the Tidyverse


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Basics of a shinydashboard

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Interactive plots and geospatial maps

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Adding design elements and improving UI/UX

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Building Dashboards with shinydashboard

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