Introduction to Julia
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JuliaProgramming4 horas16 vídeos61 ejercicios5,150 XP12,111Certificado de logros
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Descripción del curso
Get Started with Julia Programming
Julia is a new and exciting programming language designed from its foundations to be the ideal language for scientific computing, machine learning, and data mining. This course will give you a running start in your journey with Julia.You’ll start by covering the very basics of Julia, so you can follow along if you have never programmed before. However, by the end of the course, you'll be analyzing DataFrames of patient data and book ratings. If you already know another programming language, we'll help you transfer this knowledge to Julia.
Learn the Basics of Julia Programming
Designed to encompass the speed of C, the general programming ability of Python, and the statistical prowess of R, Julia is simple to learn and very powerful.As you work through this course, you'll learn about the special features of the Julia programming language, including how Julia handles data types.
Get a Thorough Introduction to Julia
You'll learn how to store and process data in arrays, write reusable code in functions, and use other popular packages to borrow other Julia developers' code. You'll learn about Julia's headline feature of multiple dispatch and make use of this feature yourself.By the end of this course, you’ll be familiar with coding in Julia, understanding the basics, including data types and structures, the functions and packages, and how to use DataFrames to work with tabular data.
No hay requisitos previos para este curso1
Julia basics
Data structures
Functions and packages
Introduction to Julia
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