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Hyperparameter Tuning in Python

Actualizado 2/2025
Learn techniques for automated hyperparameter tuning in Python, including Grid, Random, and Informed Search.
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Descripción del curso

As a data or machine learning scientist, building powerful machine learning models depends heavily on the set of hyperparameters used. But with increasingly complex models with lots of options, how do you efficiently find the best settings for your particular problem? The answer is hyperparameter tuning!

Hyperparameters vs. parameters

Gain practical experience using various methodologies for automated hyperparameter tuning in Python with Scikit-Learn.

Learn the difference between hyperparameters and parameters and best practices for setting and analyzing hyperparameter values. This foundation will prepare you to understand the significance of hyperparameters in machine learning models.

Grid search

Master several hyperparameter tuning techniques, starting with Grid Search. Using credit card default data, you will practice conducting Grid Search to exhaustively search for the best hyperparameter combinations and interpret the results.

You will be introduced to Random Search, and learn about its advantages over Grid Search, such as efficiency in large parameter spaces.​

Informed search

In the final part of the course, you will explore advanced optimization methods, such as Bayesian and Genetic algorithms.

These informed search techniques are demonstrated through practical examples, allowing you to compare and contrast them with uninformed search methods. By the end, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to optimize hyperparameters effectively to improve model performance​.


Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

Hyperparameters and Parameters

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Grid search

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Random Search

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Informed Search

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Hyperparameter Tuning in Python

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