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Analyzing Survey Data in R

Actualizado 2/2025
Learn survey design using common design structures followed by visualizing and analyzing survey results.
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RProbability & Statistics4 horas14 vídeos49 ejercicios3,950 XP13,695Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

You've taken a survey (or 1000) before, right? Have you ever wondered what goes into designing a survey and how survey responses are turned into actionable insights? Of course you have! In Analyzing Survey Data in R, you will work with surveys from A to Z, starting with common survey design structures, such as clustering and stratification, and will continue through to visualizing and analyzing survey results. You will model survey data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey using R's survey and tidyverse packages. Following the course, you will be able to successfully interpret survey results and finally find the answers to life's burning questions!


Introduction to the TidyverseFoundations of Inference in R

Introduction to survey data

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Exploring categorical data

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Exploring quantitative data

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Modeling quantitative data

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Analyzing Survey Data in R

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