Intermediate Julia
Actualizado 1/2025Comienza el curso gratis
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JuliaProgramming4 horas15 vídeos54 ejercicios4,500 XPCertificado de logros
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Descripción del curso
Build on Your Julia Foundations
Building on the core concepts of the introductory course, you will be one step closer to mastering Julia. You will first learn about different loops, one of the most common tools in Julia, and all programming languages.Cover Advanced Julia Data Structures
You'll also cover advanced data structures, including dictionaries, tuples, and structs. In addition, you will learn how to define your own Julia functions for code re-usability and how to time your code to be as efficient as possible.At the end of this course, you'll be able to work with more complex DataFrame operations to inspect and clean a global video game sales dataset broken down by region. You will also be able to leverage your Python and R knowledge in Julia as we introduce the PyCall and RCall packages, allowing you to use Python and R functions in Julia.
By the time you finish, you'll have built a strong Julia programming foundation which you can continue to develop through further courses.
Introduction to Julia1
Loops and Ranges
Data Structures
Advanced Functions in Julia
Dataframe Operations and Python/R Packages in Julia
Intermediate Julia
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