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Advanced Deep Learning with Keras

Actualizado 1/2025
Learn how to develop deep learning models with Keras.
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PythonArtificial Intelligence4 horas13 vídeos46 ejercicios3,950 XP32,886Declaración de cumplimiento

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Descripción del curso

Keras functional API

In this course, you will learn how to solve complex problems using the Keras functional API.

Beginning with an introduction, you will build simple functional networks, fit them to data, and make predictions. You will also learn how to construct models with multiple inputs and a single output and share weights between layers​​.

Multiple-input networks

As you progress, explore building two-input networks using categorical embeddings, shared layers, and merge layers. These are the foundational building blocks for designing neural networks with complex data flows.

It extends these concepts to models with three or more inputs, helping you understand the parameters and topology of your neural networks using Keras' summary and plot functions​​.

Multiple-output networks

In the final interactive exercises, you'll work with multiple-output networks, which can solve regression problems with multiple targets and even handle both regression and classification tasks simultaneously.

By the end of the course, you'll have practical experience with advanced deep learning techniques to advance your career as a data scientist, including evaluating your models on new data using multiple metrics​.


Introduction to Deep Learning with Keras

The Keras Functional API

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Two Input Networks Using Categorical Embeddings, Shared Layers, and Merge Layers

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Multiple Inputs: 3 Inputs (and Beyond!)

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Multiple Outputs

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Advanced Deep Learning with Keras

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