Programación en Python
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Programación en Python
Fundamentos de programación en PythonChapter
SobresueldoContext Managers
If you've ever seen the "with" keyword in Python and wondered what its deal was, then this is the chapter for you! Context managers are a convenient way to provide connections in Python and guarantee that those connections get cleaned up when you are done using them. This chapter will show you how to use context managers, as well as how to write your own.
Decorators are an extremely powerful concept in Python. They allow you to modify the behavior of a function without changing the code of the function itself. This chapter will lay the foundational concepts needed to thoroughly understand decorators (functions as objects, scope, and closures), and give you a good introduction into how decorators are used and defined. This deep dive into Python internals will set you up to be a superstar Pythonista.
SobresueldoMore on Decorators
Now that you understand how decorators work under the hood, this chapter gives you a bunch of real-world examples of when and how you would write decorators in your own code. You will also learn advanced decorator concepts like how to preserve the metadata of your decorated functions and how to write decorators that take arguments.
Aprende a escribir código eficiente que se ejecute rápido y gestione recursos hábilmente para evitar sobrecarga.
Aprende sobre modularidad, documentación y pruebas automatizadas para resolver problemas de ciencia de datos.
Domina las pruebas en Python: Aprende métodos, crea verificaciones y asegura código sin errores con pytest y unittest.
Descubre los conceptos básicos de la programación orientada a objetos (OOP) y crea clases y objetos personalizados.
SobresueldoPerforming a Code Review
Review a data analysis workflow for adherence to Python standards and best-practices.
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