Case Study: Net Revenue Management in Excel
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ExcelApplied Finance4 horas6 vídeos24 ejercicios1,900 XP2,301Certificado de logros
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Descripción del curso
Fast Moving Consumer Goods
The world of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) is a dynamic world that plays a significant role in our daily lives. Have you ever wondered how well-known brands like Coca-Cola, Nivea, and Lays are being managed? This case study will help you get a better understanding of this industry. You will start by analyzing a big dataset and by performing your own market analysis. You will go from calculating market share to creating clear visuals to reveal actionable insights.Net Revenue Management
Next, you will use the principles of Net Revenue Management (NRM), which will help you to identify new growth opportunities for your company. You will have to use a variety of Excel tools and functions to calculate the true potential of these growth buckets. You will not only master everything which relates to PivotTables, VLOOKUP, and forecasting but also have a better understanding of what is happening behind the scenes of your favorite FMCG brands. Are you ready to use your Excel skills to build a complete business case?Prerrequisitos
Data Analysis in Excel1
Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Net Revenue Management
Optimizing Net Revenue
Case Study: Net Revenue Management in Excel
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