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Importing and Cleaning Data

Apply your importing and data cleaning skills to real-world soccer data.

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Project Description

Your boss at Crunching Numbers needs you to determine which match and stadium had the highest attendance during the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup. Use your data import and cleaning skills to dig through the dirty data, clean it up, and present your boss with polished graphs.

These data come from the online 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup match reports.

Project Tasks

  1. 1
    Importing data part 1
  2. 2
    Importing data part 2
  3. 3
    Removing rows of NA
  4. 4
    Replacing NA
  5. 5
    separate() and replace_na()
  6. 6
    Plotting for outliers
  7. 7
    What to do with the outlier?
  8. 8
    A pretty boxplot
  9. 9
    A pretty line plot
  10. 10
    Wrap up




Data Manipulation
Erin LaBrecque HeadshotErin LaBrecque

Instructor at DataCamp

Erin is a marine geospatial research ecologist who combines physical and biological spatiotemporal data to understand marine ecosystems. She received her Ph.D. in Marine Science and Conservation from Duke University and is passionate about science communication and data visualization. When she is not playing with environmental and species datasets, Erin can be found hiking with her dog.
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