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HomeSparkIntroduction to PySpark

Introduction to PySpark

Learn to implement distributed data management and machine learning in Spark using the PySpark package.

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4 Hours45 Exercises
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Course Description

In this course, you'll learn how to use Spark from Python! Spark is a tool for doing parallel computation with large datasets and it integrates well with Python. PySpark is the Python package that makes the magic happen. You'll use this package to work with data about flights from Portland and Seattle. You'll learn to wrangle this data and build a whole machine learning pipeline to predict whether or not flights will be delayed. Get ready to put some Spark in your Python code and dive into the world of high-performance machine learning!
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In the following Tracks

Big Data with PySpark

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Machine Learning Scientist with Python

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  1. 1

    Getting to know PySpark


    In this chapter, you'll learn how Spark manages data and how can you read and write tables from Python.

    Play Chapter Now
    What is Spark, anyway?
    50 xp
    Using Spark in Python
    50 xp
    Examining The SparkContext
    100 xp
    Using DataFrames
    50 xp
    Creating a SparkSession
    100 xp
    Viewing tables
    100 xp
    Are you query-ious?
    100 xp
    Pandafy a Spark DataFrame
    100 xp
    Put some Spark in your data
    100 xp
    Dropping the middle man
    100 xp
  2. 3

    Getting started with machine learning pipelines

    PySpark has built-in, cutting-edge machine learning routines, along with utilities to create full machine learning pipelines. You'll learn about them in this chapter.

    Play Chapter Now
  3. 4

    Model tuning and selection

    In this last chapter, you'll apply what you've learned to create a model that predicts which flights will be delayed.

    Play Chapter Now
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GroupTraining 2 or more people?

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In the following Tracks

Big Data with PySpark

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Machine Learning Scientist with Python

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Collaborator's avatar
Colin Ricardo
Lore Dirick HeadshotLore Dirick

Director of Data Science Education at Flatiron School

Lore is a data scientist with expertise in applied finance. She obtained her PhD in Business Economics and Statistics at KU Leuven, Belgium. During her PhD, she collaborated with several banks working on advanced methods for the analysis of credit risk data. Lore formerly worked as a Data Science Curriculum Lead at DataCamp, and is and is now Director of Data Science Education at Flatiron School, a coding school with branches in 8 cities and online programs.
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Nick Solomon HeadshotNick Solomon

Data Scientist

Nick has a degree in mathematics with a concentration in statistics from Reed College. He's worked on many data science projects in the past, doing everything from mapping crime data to developing new kinds of models for social networks. He's currently a data scientist in the New York City area.
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