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HomePythonExploring the Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Market
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Exploring the Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Market

You will explore the market capitalization of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

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9 Tasks1,500 XP34,255 Learners

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Project Description

To better understand the growth and impact of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies you will, in this project, explore the market capitalization of different cryptocurrencies.

Warning: The cryptocurrency market is exceptionally volatile, and any money you put in might disappear into thin air. Never invest money you can't afford to lose.

Project Tasks

  1. 1
    Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies: Full dataset, filtering, and reproducibility
  2. 2
    Discard the cryptocurrencies without a market capitalization
  3. 3
    How big is Bitcoin compared with the rest of the cryptocurrencies?
  4. 4
    Making the plot easier to read and more informative
  5. 5
    What is going on?! Volatility in cryptocurrencies
  6. 6
    Well, we can already see that things are *a bit* crazy
  7. 7
    Ok, those are... interesting. Let's check the weekly Series too.
  8. 8
    How small is small?
  9. 9
    Most coins are tiny


Python Python


Data ManipulationData Visualization
Juan González-Vallinas HeadshotJuan González-Vallinas

Director Data Science at

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