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Heng Xin Fun Headshot

Heng Xin Fun

DataCamp has provided me a launching pad to continue my education and professional development.

Heng Fun is a Quantitative Analyst at a Shanghai-based hedge fund. In his work, he sees the need to be constantly learning and pursuing innovative new strategies that can help him do his job more efficiently and more successfully. When he realized he needed to improve his data science knowledge to keep ahead of industry trends, he found that DataCamp offered him a "one-stop shop" for data science learning. He has now progressed to some of DataCamp's advanced course offerings (like Machine Learning) and hopes to gain new career opportunities and skills through his continued education with DataCamp.

What first drew you to data science?

I am Quantitative Analyst at a hedge fund based in Shanghai. Data science is a critical function of this industry. Processing market data and extracting timely insights ultimately lead to actionable investment opportunities.

What were you doing when you first joined DataCamp? What made you decide to learn with DataCamp?

In the investment industry, where clients are constantly seeking higher returns and competitors are gnawing away at your alpha strategies, it's critical to always be upping your game and adding to your skill set and toolbox. As a self-directed learner who has used many providers—MIT OCW, edX, Coursera and Codecademy—DataCamp has been a one-stop shop that combines many beloved features of the other providers. From on-demand, bite-sized learning modules to a structured road map, DataCamp provides me the flexibility to learn in the midst of my busy schedule and gives me a sense of direction in how to build the skills necessary to succeed. Milestones along the way keep me extra motivated, which makes it all the easier to complete all the coursework.

Did you have any prior experience with data science before joining DataCamp?

Before DataCamp, I've used other providers, but my experience was limited. Some of the other options I've used were frustratingly slow, so I switched over.

How has your career and work evolved since learning with DataCamp?

After using DataCamp, I've started to explore more advanced machine learning techniques, but without DataCamp's emphasis on the fundamentals I never could have gotten to this level. These data science techniques are invaluable in giving me a new perspective and insights into the market.

What has the value of DataCamp education meant to you?

DataCamp has provided me a launching pad to continue my education and professional development. It's given me confidence to continue developing my skills and allowed me to take ownership in my education. I'm excited for all the career opportunities and unlocking of new domains of knowledge. I'm forever grateful that DataCamp gave me this initial push into the deep waters of data science.

DataCamp provides me the flexibility to learn in the midst of my busy schedule and gives me a sense of direction in how to build the skills necessary to succeed.

What are your data science plans for the future and what do you want to learn next?

My future plan is to finish the coursework available on DataCamp, as well as keep up with all the new courses. I also want to try some courses on Coursera (Andrew Ng) and possibly read some books related to machine learning.

Is there any advice you'd like to share with new students who are aspiring data scientists?

My advice is to set aside a plan and to stick to it. Don't give up! Keep striving. While you may face difficulties and frustrations along the way, the end result is more rewarding than any classes I've taken in college. It's this feeling that you can learn anything, and you can take control of your own growth, your own destiny, your career and your future. Thanks again, DataCamp, for providing this wonderful platform.

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