Introducción a Alteryx
Entra en el mundo de Alteryx Designer y aprende a usar la herramienta para cargar, preparar y agregar datos.
Siga videos cortos dirigidos por instructores expertos y luego practique lo que ha aprendido con ejercicios interactivos en su navegador.
Entra en el mundo de Alteryx Designer y aprende a usar la herramienta para cargar, preparar y agregar datos.
Master data preparation, cleaning, and analysis in Alteryx Designer, whether you are a new or seasoned analyst.
Unlock Alteryx for data transformation, mastering Crosstab, Transpose, and workflow optimization in this interactive course.
Orchestrate data using unions, joins, parsing, and performance optimization in Alteryx.
Explore Alteryx Designer in a retail data case study to boost sales analysis and strategic decision-making.
Advance your Alteryx skills with real fitness data to develop targeted marketing strategies and innovative products!