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MLOps Deployment and Life Cycling

Actualizado 2/2025
In this course, you’ll explore the modern MLOps framework, exploring the lifecycle and deployment of machine learning models.
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TheoryMachine Learning4 horas16 vídeos54 ejercicios3,650 XP6,205Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

MLOps Deployment and LifeCycling

Explore the modern MLOps framework, including the lifecycle and deployment of machine learning models. In this course, you’ll learn to write ML code that minimizes technical debt, discover the tools you’ll need to deploy and monitor your models, and examine the different types of environments and analytics you’ll encounter.

Learn About the MLOps Lifecycle

After you’ve collected, prepared, and labeled your data, run numerous experiments on different models, and proven your concept with a champion model, it’s time for the next steps. Build. Deploy. Monitor. Maintain. That is the life cycle of your model once it's destined for production. That is the Ops part of MLOps. This course will show you how to navigate the second chapter of your model's journey to value delivery, setting the benchmark for many more to come. You’ll start by exploring the MLOps lifecycle, discovering the importance of MLOps and the key functional components for model development, deployment, monitoring, and maintenance.

Develop ML Code for Deployment

Next, you’ll learn how to develop models for deployment and how to write effective ML code, leverage tools, and train ML pipelines. As you progress, you’ll cover how to deploy your models, exploring different deployment environments and when to use them. You’ll also develop strategies for replacing existing production models and examine APIs.

Learn How to Monitor Your Models

As you complete the course, you’ll discover the crucial performance metrics behind monitoring and maintaining your ML models. You’ll learn about drift monitoring in production, as well as model feedback, updates, and governance. By the time you’re finished, you’ll understand how you can use MLOps lifecycle to deploy your own models in production.


MLOps Concepts

MLOps in a Nutshell

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Develop for Deployment

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Deploy and Run

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Monitor and Maintain

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MLOps Deployment and Life Cycling

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