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Learning to Application: Bridging the Gap with DataCamp Workspace


Data is embedded in every data-driven organization's decisions, interactions, and processes. For years, DataCamp has been helping organizations adjust to a data-driven reality by enabling their people with the skills needed to succeed with data. However, we still see a disconnect between learning skills on the one hand and meaningfully applying these skills in a context that’s relevant to the organization on the other.

In this webinar, we’ll dig into this disconnect and discuss ways to bridge the gap. Next, we’ll look at DataCamp Workspace, a cloud-based data science coding sandbox, and how it can be leveraged. After a brief demo of the Workspace experience, we’ll detail how Workspace can power in-house coding challenges, live trainings, and onboarding flows so your employees can get the most out of their time learning on DataCamp.

Finally, we’ll touch upon Restricted Mode, a special mode of operation to ensure that even organizations with strict security requirements can make Workspace available to their entire workforce.

Key takeaways:

  • There’s still a gap from learning to applying data skills in a context relevant to specific organizations

  • In-house coding challenges, live trainings, and interactive onboarding materials can help bridge this gap. These experiences can be built using Workspace

  • Workspace in Restricted Mode ensures that a cloud-based data science sandbox can be safely deployed in any organization

Filip Schouwenaars Headshot
Filip Schouwenaars

Head of DataCamp Workspace

Data science educator and enthusiast, leading the development of DataCamp Workspace
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